New player Stuck silver 5

There must be an issue with matchmaking, as i got to silver 5 ranked play in normal, i meet all this crazy foreverplaying combos perfect deck players. So where is the smooth transition from new average, to the once got all best cards in game know it all what to play when and where :smiley: . I Dont play that much and am about to learn at least 1 character (Priest). It just seems that i meet alot C thun in decks and/or pala secret warlock decks all very skilled at ā€œSILVER 5ā€ !
HS Team what do you want me to spend money on (obviously) to match these decks!

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This is actually very true. When I returned to HS around 2 months ago and was progressing through lower ranks I noticed that even in Bronze there were people who had golden hero portraits and high end decks.

In Silver pretty much everyone was playing the most viable decks which is really mind blowing to me.

Back when I was first playing HS, it was never like that. Even at rank 10 (with the old ranking system) people were still playing decks that consisted of random amalgamation of cards they had. It was actually really fun playing against those decks. It was something fresh every match.

But these days? I saw such decks maybe once or twice.


The current meta is broken. You gonna face the same exact deck at ANY rank. Itā€™s not a ranking problem, itā€™s just that the devs canā€™t do their job properly. If you are a new player, you should just focus on practicing your favorite class. Donā€™t bother with rank yet.

Great! thx for info. Wont spend money on blings then

I donā€™t know how new to the game you are, but spend your dust and gold wisely. If you donā€™t plan on spending any $ on the game u should even save everything for next expansion.

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Honestly, it boils down to skill at the end of the day. Iā€™m a F2P player and legend in both standard and wild. If you want my advice, focus on wild, and maybe later on assemble 1 or 2 viable decks for standard, because in wild, your cards, will keep their value forever and each time new cards are released, existing decks donā€™t change that much apart from perhaps a few cards getting updated, and also there is my more variety and choice. Standard however is much more expensive since you can only use standard cards, and once your cards rotate to wild, you cannot use them anymore forcing you to dust all your wild cards to keep up which is very inefficient if you ask me. Also, standard is much more limited, and thus, if you lack some cards, like epics and legendries in particular, you cannot play many decks for for which those are vital. In wild on the other hand, there are many options for substitutions that would still give you decent performance. I often piloted altered decks in wild successfully to legend until i managed to get the dust for cards i was given, which took awhile sometimes due to the fact that I never dusted any cards that i got besides duplicates.
I been playing since release of HS as F2P and currently I can run all meta decks for all classes in wild as well as 3 standard decks and got enough dust to craft 2 other decks of choice. It just takes time as F2P.


I have meet people with legendary card back in bronze -.- Nani??? I know, the achievement farming has become a lil bit extremeā€¦


Could be that they have hit legend in different mode or even many years ago. They could also just have started laddering, and itā€™s their first game.

That is also a possibility.


You can play a legend player at any rank, matchmaking is based on mmr. If I enter legend and lose a ton of games and tank my mmr the game could match you against me based on rating. Even though Iā€™m legend and you are bronze, that doesnā€™t matter. And golden portraits just means a player played enough games and won enough games at some point to get those portraits. Golden portraits really donā€™t mean much tbh. Iā€™ve made legend and have not one golden hero yet, Iā€™ve also seen people with golden heros that were not very good players. All it really tells you is someone played a lot of games with that class.

Itā€™s there. Take this as advice of a more experienced player: players at silver make absolutely Egregious mistakes. You Just arenā€™t experienced enough and is facing the same wall every new player does in multiplayer games.

You donā€™t play vs a bronze player with no bonus stars even at legend 50000.
You need to skip a season: donā€™t climb over bronze 10 and lose 50 games in a row.
You ā€œresetā€ your mmr this way.

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