New player here

Hi all,

I’m new to Hearthstone and I’m sure this question has been asked many times but here it goes anyway…

What packs should I be opening to play standard? The latest expansion only or a mixture of the last 2 years?

Should I be buying core cards or will I obtain them from playing the game? Are these even used in building the most up to date/best decks?

What is a good class to start with and build?

How do you accumulate dust?

Final note, any tips to share with the new guy of something you know now that you wish you knew starting out.

Thanks in advance

You will get all the core cards for each class by ranking the to level 10. In regards to packs, if you are just starting fresh I recommend you buy a pack from each of the four standard expansions until you get a legendary. Then move on to the next expansion once you have one. The reason why is because you are guaranteed your first legendary within 10 packs and the rule applies to every card set. As far as dust collection, most people accrue dust from having played for almost a decade and opening thousands of packs. If you intend to spend some real money on the game I highly recommend you buy pack bundles and never just packs by themselves.

You obtain core cards for free when you climb to a certain level with every class, and the same goes for basic cards. I recommend buying the normal standard pack, as it will contain cards from all sets usable in standard. In about 1 year (a few weeks less), every standard set except for Sunken City and expansions released after it will rotate. Since you still have a long time until then, i recommend buying standard packs.
As for new player tips, most of the basic cards are not worth using, as usually they are powercrept by cards from a normal set, and especially don’t include textless minions. Finally, make your decks either aggressive, mirange, or control (probably aggressive in today’s meta). Do not include cards from multiple archetypes most of the time.

Types of cards in aggressive decks include:
-Cards that summon multiple minions (like Drek’Thar)
-Cards that buff the attack of or give aggressive keywords to one or more minions (like Mr. Smite)
-Cards that can do at least moderate amounts of damage to multiple enemies (like Mecha Shark)

Types of cards in control decks include:
-Cheap taunt minions (like Treasure Guard)
-Good card draw (also like Treasure Guard)
-Good removal, single-target and AoE (like Fireball)
-Anything else that can drag on the game longer (like Mistress of Mixtures)

Typea of cards in midrange decks include a mix of aggressive (also called aggro) and control cards, but they also have lots of minions with good value.

Hope this helped!
Edit: I tried to include examples of cards that are good in today’s meta, and most of these cards are considered to be some of the best of today, but the meta in apprentice ranks (the 40 ranks you have to go through at the start) is very different than in traditional ranks.