New Player here and have a question or 2

I am just downloading game now and am wondering for me to have fun do I need to spend a ton of cash for decks and cards right away? How is the progression?
And I have dabbled in MTG Arena and m wondering how this game compares? Thanks all…

When you start you go through the Apprentice track that will give you 2 full decks to play. And once you’ve done with that you get 6 “loaner” decks you get to try for 7 days after which you get to keep one. Along the way you’ll also get a bunch of packs including catch-up packs, which can give you as much as 50 cards!

Compared to MTGA, Hearthstone is more F2P friendly as you can dust cards to craft cards, and you can’t do that in MTGA

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I don’t think money is required to be decent. I would recommend buying a Tavern Pass if you buy anything. It’s fairly economical.

With the availability of good decks on the internet, people will play these decks more and more as you climb so you cannot expect to do well with just your basic core deck. Which is why you’re given a few to start with that might only need a few adjustments.

It has been proven time and time again there is nothing particular stopping new/F2P accounts from getting to Legend other than the player’s own perseverance and skill.