New Paladin Rare - Blessing of Authority

I love how much the Dev’s are pushing the limits. The card is just swimming in value, but the drawback is quite legitimate. Even if it doesn’t seem play in standard, this will be a brilliant card in arena.


Descent minion combat is again out of the question for this expansion. I mean this is one of the cases ‘‘Do you have removal spell or not’’ or else you re losing the game. I mean if you threw a 4/4 on round 4 this is a potentially 12/12 on round 5.

I suggest we make a card 1 mana 10/10 as well

They usually do have some way to remove it so would need to just keep throwing it out multiple times, perhaps also in conjunction with that annoying paladin secret that diverts opponent attack to a different target.

i dont disagree with that but it actually shows where this game is right now. Just 7 years of Hearthstone and a 12/12 (probably more) on round 5 seems normal…

I’ve seen worse lol.

not a fan of this limit pushing myself. If this card will actually be good i dont know.

Meme idea 1: zoo paladin. Run lots of low drops and just zerg them like a murloc (but you aren’t going murloc, so style points for you). Sea giant and this spell will be your "suddenly he has a big guy along side the little dudes. No, the minion buffed by this can’t hit face that turn, but it can trade, whereas sea giant can’t do either the turn it is dropped.

Meme idea 2: taunt paladin. Your late game will have stuff like turalyon and libram of hope and such, but run some low cost taunts to smooth your curve. If you pull those low drops in the late game, this spell can turn it into a meaningful taunt (fear the 9/10 goldshire footman!). Maybe run sunfury protector so almost any minion can become a taunt for you.

Meme idea 3: Blistering rot and replicatron. I don’t think I need to explain further.

Meme idea 4: sudden big heals while rushing their board. Pair this with lightforge blessing for huge heal. Add rush minion so you can do this from hand

Meme idea 5: worgen infiltrator 2 turn kill. Turn 6 you drop worgen + this (it’s now 10/9 stealth). Next turn, 2x might + blessed champion for a 32/9. Doesn’t work on taunts, freeze, deadly shot, etc. But hey, memes.

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Can drop this on anything alongside (or even directly on) a big Braggart and robe of protection for some tasty hard to deal with turns. Might even dust off blessed champion for this party. Robe of protection might be the meme neutral card Paladins have been dreaming of.

5 mana for +8/+8 is pretty crazy. However, the fact that the minion can’t go face the turn this is played might actually be enough to prevent this card from being relevant. Sounds crazy, but I don’t think this card will be all that great.

Edit: After seeing this card in play, I have more hope for it. It turns out that some decks just struggle against a giant pile of stats.

Random comparison: mages used to have flame lance, which did 8 damage only to minions for the same 5 mana cost.

If you use authority on a minion so that it can cleanly trade something, you’re getting a similar level of single target removal.

Flame lance can hit things behind taunt and enjoy benefits of being a direct damage spell of course, but this enjoys the benefits of being on a minion.

Flame lance wasn’t the most OP thing, but it was good enough to be run in some mage decks back in the day.

Turn 3 - Call to Adventure
Turn 4 - Play buffed minion
Turn 5 - Play Blessing of Authority on already buffed minion.
Turn 6 - Blessed Champion (double attack)

I doubt it’ll ever get like that but even if you buffed a Silver Hand Recruit… Mountain/Sea Giant stats already. Or High Abbess Alura buffs herself… oof!

Oh boy, another good reason to craft Liadrin asap. Really looking forward to seeing how many armorgals I can stick into one deck.

All it takes is a 1/1 token or minion to sit on board and you can basically treat it as a conditional 5 mana 9/9 removal that can leave a minion. Good with a cheap divine shield or driving your health insane with a high hp minion say like a 4/5 damaged to 4/2 since even if it gets silenced buffs will heal minions.

Wisp Paladin, guys. Just calling it now.

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me like this card. i wish we would get more pure support or Libram

Well I guess +8/+8 worth of stats is the answer to this question

Where do you get this card from? Random pack opening?

Yes, it’s a rare from Scholomance Academy expansion.

Or you can craft it for 100 dust each.