New Paladin, Paladin-Shaman Cards

Somethings up with Hearthstone Library, hasnt updated since dual class half of DK reveals.

So apparently giving all minions rush is a 2 mana effect, lol. Cant imagibe a Paladin skipping turn 2 to play a location. Might be better in the Big Paladin deck to give Kangor rush.

I looooove this weapon for shaman. I dont even care about the Paladin side of it, this is an insane control tool, or can be used as a finisher with 12 damage from the weapon in total.

2 mana 4 health totem, seems like it would fit rigbt in totem shaman. Dont see much use for Paladin.


the weapon is bonker for paladin which lacks good removal.

I like the totem. Can be further enhanced by handbuff.

Location could be used in any paladin, because when you lose the board, its very hard to get it back. And with Kangor indeed.

In my opinion, three good cards.

I’m just gonna leave these here.

Compare these to

Or even

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I dont really think thise are comparable Rocket Boots and Shoulder Check are just… old…
And through Fel and Flames is a 0 mana spell meant to be used on turn 1 or 2 to create a board before your opponent gets a chance to respond.

Paladin location will be. Amazing against fdk and their fwf. Rush us something Paladin needs badly because they lack other removal

again with the asinine comparisons the rush cards dont even have a tribe restriction!

Just illustrating the power creep. Dance Floor is two Animated Broomsticks in one card, which would be enough to justify the two-mana cost. I’m not convinced that Rush is so much more valuable than Reborn.

And you create a board by playing minions, giving something an extra +1/+1 one time isn’t that big a deal? Undying Allies is already at least that good, even on a single 1-drop or 2-drop.

I might just need to accept the idea that I’m one of like, maybe two people on the planet who thinks that Undying Allies is a completely bonkers card.

Hi Boreas, I can see you seem to think that Undead Priest is paying some sort of price to include Undead synergies in its deck. That’s not as much of a burden as you might think.

Also, you never answered this prompt:

No, I agree that the card is insanely powerful, and I think many people do. I just wasnt sure of the reasoning of comparing those cards to random warrior cards

Eh, you’re probably right that it was too vague. I was bringing up the theme of applying keywords in general. The mana budget seems all over the place for just about any keyword.

Except, apparently, Rush. Only Rush is getting some “tax” from the devs. Even then Dance Floor is ludicrous.

Huh. Anyone else notice the totem is also a mech? Could even go in mech pally.

Would probably not waste a slot in totem shaman. It summons a recruit, and thats not a totem.

Theres so many archetypes they could have tried to make viable for shaman. Big shaman, undead shaman, burn shaman, overload shaman, even murloc shaman… but they create a weapon that does nothing against fast decks (which is what shaman struggles against these days outside of totem) and a totem shaman card.

No one wants to play totem shaman. Not to mention its just a powercreeped primalfin totem

This happens all the time.

It seems that some classes don’t get any support for struggling archetypes and then the most broken of the broken decks get support for their current broken deck.

I’m not sure, but I believe this happens every mini-set.

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Too lazy to find it, but long ago I remember that the devs described how they come up with new cards/decks.

They start with what they think is “cool” or “fun”

Read: it was never about whether the deck would be meta or not.

This was like around the time when they released purify for priests. Priest of course wasn’t very good back then, and silence priest was at the time one of the more meme deck types (still is, arguably)

Another instance I can remember is Gadgetzan Ferryman. We don’t laugh at bounce rogue now, but back when that was initially released it was thought as bad. Memory’s fuzzy but rogues did figure out how to use bounce relatively quickly.

The Paladin location is an auto include in any Paladin deck simply because it removes a Major deficiency from Paladin. I like it but why can’t they create cards like this for other decks that struggle in specific areas?

Location is good. It’s like a broom you can cast ahead of time and use twice.

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That Location will be pretty funny in Mech Paladin.

With Feast and Famine and For Quel’Thalas existing, Paladin can now Doomhammer better than Shaman.

And divine shield. They decided rush costs 1 mana and divine shield costs nothing for paladin.