New Neutral: Educated Elekk

This card fits into a lot of decks atm. Paladin uses a lot of buffs and Librams, if Cyclone Mage makes a comeback this could be in it, and they’re really pushing a Spell archetype for Shaman too.

Could also see play in Priest, but good lists don’t use Sethekk so I can’t imagine this getting run over that.

Looks cool, but doesn’t look like a metabreaker to me. Probably only really usable in decks like Galakrond Priest that REALLY want to grind the game out. Or some kind of Paladin, because many their tools look weirdly grindy if you squint hard enough (low card draw, just big stats - Libram of Hope, more repetitive big stats - Libram of Wisdom, even more big stats - Lady Liadrin).

Also has a niche use in “control decks with combo finisher” (or just in matchups where your primary win condition is a very specific combo, ex. Glowfly Swarm+Soul of the Forest), by letting you use your critical combo piece earlier and still have it for the finish.

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Have fun reading the magazine :wink:

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This card seems like a double-edged sword. You can have it learn spells from your deck that you’d love to play again, but your opponent can cast a bunch of trash that you have little use for to clog your deck. I feel this card still has some potential to see play, but it’s going to take people time to figure out where to slot it.

Whoa, now that’s an awesome card! Finally a way to get some decent shuffling going with Mage or any other class than Rogue for that matter. How about with Solarian Prime and N’Zoth in wild? That’s gonna be crazy. Well, maybe I guess. But I have to try it. For now this is easily my most favorite card revealed yet. 5 stars. Can’t wait to mess around with it.

Ehh, it’s a 3/4. It’s not gonna live very long and it would be kind of silly for the opponent to dump spells to this.

This feels like the nail in the coffin for Archivist Elysiana. Would much rather have spells of my choice in my fatigue deck than random minions. And it doesnt waste a turn.

You can’t silence Elysiana.

does warrior even have spells you would like to recycle when going to fatigue ?

You can run 2 of them, but yeah I guess warrior might still want to run Elysiana

Elekk, Coin, Twisting Nether.

Elekk, Dead Man’s Hand, Bring It On!, Bladestorm (on an empty board).

ah cool, thanks!

Excuse me mister Elekk sir, but can you remember this Pyroblast for me? Oh and this Puzzle Box as well? Cheers lil’ Elekk buddy!

What a fun card haha. Results are going to be so interesting.