New Neutral card: Desert Obelisk

Better yet!

In warlock:

As early as you can, use expired merchant to discard and duplicate this twice. (Or use a plot twist + elekk play)

Then draw your deck, playing a soul warden at some point.

Then when at fatigue Betrug or Dorian + plot twist!

Bam! Obelisk time!

Not really - 2/4 of the cards need to be in the deck when Pocket Galaxy gets played to even pull it off with a Faceless or Molten in Hand, for 3 x 5.
5 x 5 is very unlikely - resp. unlucky for the opponent.

Donā€™t throw in the towel to early.

Test Subject, Topsy Turvy, APM Priest? (Noticed, there is no radiant elemental in standard anymore.)

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Big question is whether they die first or execute their effect with Betrug.

Dollmaster Dorian probably a better option than Betrugā€¦

Itā€™s a cute for deck building thought experiments but itā€™s really difficult for me to see this ever being something beyond 30% winrate meme deck.

Compare this thing to Star Aligner. I had a Star Aligner Quest Druid that was kinda fun to play, and Iā€™ve been theorycrafting a similar deck that uses Lunaā€™s Pocket Galaxy. Thereā€™s some fun to trying to puzzle out how to meet the win condition consistently enough.

But at the end of the day, itā€™s not going to ever be a strong deck because the win condition is too fragile and isnā€™t necessarily game winning when you get it to go off. Even if you managed to assemble a full board of these things, itā€™s not necessarily game winning if they have any kind of board, which they probably will since this will require a lot of setup.

Mad props the person who can get this off in Wild with a Drakkari Enchanter in play.

Challenge. Accepted.

You could use the qqrlock togwaggle combo with a couple changes!

Summon stone>summon stone>obelisk>obelisk>faceless>drakkri enchanter would be 30 damage exactly for 10 mana, albeit split, although you could potentially fit one more something in there if you use Prince Taldarim for summoning stone #2 or some other mana cheat.

Best I can think of would be Summoning Stone>Prince Taldarim(stone)>Drakkari Enchanter>Faceless(Enchanter)>Obelisk>Obelisk>Faceless(obelisk)

That would be 45 damage!

Takes too many cards for even a meme deck but Iā€™d love to see it work, lol

Just brainstorming whatā€™s available (in standard) to get you more copies, along with cards that help with it

Baleful banker
Elekk helps with shuffle
Dollmaster Dorian
Archivist (RNG dependent)
Jepetto can help setup combo

Gloop Sprayer
Flobbidinous Floop
Dreampetal can help setup combo

Splitting image
Hex Lord Malacrass RNG on mulligan
Unexpected results RNG (needs the right amount of spell damage)

Commander Rhyssa with redemption (requires enemy stupid enough to kill the obe first)
If youā€™ve used neutral options to shuffle extra copies, prismatic lens may help in drawing them at reduced cost

A lot, not gonna list them all, but Iā€™ll mention vivid nightmare as a less used card, and Iā€™ll note that if you just happen to run into somebody who also runs obelisk, priest have ways to steal their obelisk

Togwaggleā€™s scheme
Lab recruiter
Get the goblet treasure and hope RNG draws it
LIke priest, if you run into another obelistk, Unidentified contract may give you the option to destroy it while adding it to your hand

Double ancestral spirit on a single obe
Big bad voodoo RNG

Beltrug shuffle
Some kind of discard trick via soul warden (thereā€™s going to be a card that discards the highest cost card in hand, and some peopel have theorycrafted soulwarden could do some silly loops)

Boom Reaver RNG
Dimensional Ripper RNG
Heavy Metal RNG

Neat card, but five frigginā€™ mana?

Something makes me think there might be other cards in the set that can summon these as well. Five mana plus setup/shenanigans for 5 randon damage is beyond terrible.

Definitely feels like something Priest is primarily meant to take advantage of and I hope whatever meme it goes into is good enough to see play.

they will see play, i am sure of it

If I were going to put some serious thought into trying to make a deck around this, priest is probably my first choice. With Spirit of the Dead and Elekk, you can shuffle in lots of 1 mana copies and then use Bwonsamdi to tutor them out at the end.

Priest does have a fair bit of stall cards, including the new Plague. And as a fall back plan, maybe you can fit in Divine Spirit/Inner Fire.

I currently have a just for fun priest deck thatā€™s based around cloning and resurrecting, but it currently works to duplicate/rez Zerek and it would need a lot of modification to go this route.

Maybe somehow you stuff your deck full of Obelisks and then Zerekā€™s Cloning Gallery them all out. And you Talanji out the copies if they wind up in your hand.

Idk, this card asks a lot of youā€¦

One of those cards that will most likely remain a theorycrafters meme, but if anyone does figure out a decent deck will have folks chasing the devs with pitchforks and fire, I love it!

More cards like this please, make you think , and with a cool new effect. Got to admit I like the idea of mechanics where you need to assemble a certain combo on board and then something cool happens.

Iā€™m definitely going to have to build a spirit of the dead Priest deck using these beauties, should be fun , if not good!

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Oh, I will make this happen. 6 + Drakkari OTK (all from hand) is possible. Its gonna take a while, but if I have the patience to get 7x 18/22 Vargoths on board, I will get this done as well :wink:

My thought is Wild is a new Avianna+Kun(+Innervate) combo.

It is a fun card that isnā€™t viable but Iā€™ll mess with if I unpack them. Ixana (sp?) wants a new deck =)

This is an interesting combo card.

in theoryā€¦this can work in a inner divine type deck with some of its silence and seance and rez effects.

Stand aloneā€¦they either kill it immediately or you make a 10/10. If they kill it, you seance the second one. Maybe silent summoner it. Yeah, the two are now silenced and cant hit for 5. Any you play or res afterward can now, though. And each of those obelisks are standing inner fire threats.

Could be a sick mass rez.

Why? That wont work, Enchanter triggers EoT effect ā€œtwiceā€ not an additional time. Think 2x Brann on board, BCā€™s still only trigger 2 times.

Rats. ā€œIn my headā€ drakkari enchanter is slightly more OP than ACTUAL drakkari enchanter
40 damage then, 2x portals 1x chanter 4x obelisks!

Ill make it work at least once!

I was imagining a scenario where you put down a Spirit of the Dead and Obelisk. If they leave the obelisk up, you can try to copy it with stuff like Seance, Vivid Nightmare, and PW: Replicate or Divine Spirit/Inner Fire them. If they kill it, they give you additional copies for later.

Itā€™s not a particularly good plan since it involves playing lots of things with 0 attack in a tempo oriented game, but you might be able to get someone with it every now and then.

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