New Murrrr-lock Card revealed: Chum Bucket

well, with some murlocs in hand this can definitely go out of hand quickly in the midgame…even if you just have 1murlock on board from turn 1 it´s already very decent.


It is decent for a murloc deck, maybe.

But #notmykindofwarlock

Looks like a failure expansion for warlocks.


Ehh… You’d want at least 2 murlocs on board AND have a healthy hand of murlocs simultaneously just to be OK. 3 on board and still at least 3 at hand, to be good.

If there’s a card that summons like 3-4 murloc tokens, it can be good. If there’s not and you need to manually plop down murlocs, it’s bad.


I guess if they give us a Mr Smith for murlock we could see some funny memes.

Other than that, murloc and handbuffing for warlock tells me that team 5 has completely ran out of creativity and is just rehashing old mechanics from other classes


2 Murlocs in play = +3/+3 to all Murlocs in hand.

If you can buff 2 minions +3/+3 in your hand that’s ok, 3 or more is good.

Lushwater Scout just got scarier.

There’s a basic/core 2 mana murloc that summons another

So for 4 mana 2 cards you can do what warrior hand buff could do in a single 3 card on turn 10

But it’s murlocs only

At least the colossal isn’t trash :joy:

I prefer to have 1 cool colossal and the rest is all garbage than 5 useful cards and a bad colossal.

Looks weird, but fun if the cardpool supports it.

Guessing Handbuffing Murlocs will need some form of Good Refill or Charge to be worth it.

Hope there is stuff like:

  • Wicked Shipment, but for Murlocs
  • Composting, but adding 1/1s or <5 cost Murlocs instead of Card Draw
  • A Charge Minion that eats and gain stats of other Murlocs in your hand.

1/5 Star Power, blind guessing the cardpool won’t support it enough immediately.

6/5 Star Potential, really strong effect/price.

Calling it now, Old Murk-eye coming to the Core set.


So Warlocks second legendary card is gonna be Plankton? I am okay with this. Better look out boys, chum is on the menu!


the 3-4 curve is looking good already, sink a murloc, dredge it up next turn and +1/+1 every murloc everywhere - if they can get another card either creating 1/1 murloc tokens in hand or just drawing 2-3murloces this can really overwhelm the board quickly.

Only problem is that the new neutral Mass-Silence will stop much of it.

Fishlock is new zoolock apparently.

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Something tells me Warlock is about to reveal a 3 mana draw 3 murlocs spell.

Close enough?

Quest warlock had Tamsin for a mascot. Now I want Nemsy on a card again. These murlocs in warlock look like her doing.

Ohhh myyy. My MurLock deck is gonna be spicy. :eyes:

If this could be matched with our good friend Megafin… things could get spicy.

undefined · Minion · Journey to Un’Goro · Battlecry: Fill your hand with random Murlocs.

I think this has better chance to work in Warlock rather than other classes. Warlock is one of the classes, that has draw to keep the hand full, so you get to fill the hand by turn 4-5, drop 2-3 murlocks, buff the rest of the hand by +4/+4 and start doing huge swing turns.

The issue is, that it takes time and usually you want to play murlocs as aggro. This would be kinda handbuff deck with small/medium size minions…?

and after you lost all the initial tempo of the early turns by hoarding resources, you plop down a decently sized buffeed midgame board only to either get aoe silenced or frozen into place for 42 turns.

i’m not sure… it may work (especially if they introduce some sort of murloc token generator for warlock) but it seems iffy to me.

Zeddy pointed out a nice combo.

2 cost Tidehunter with this spell on Turn 4.

All your murlocs in hand get +3/+3 just from that combo alone.

Pretty terrible turn 4, but most hand buffing requires you to sacrifice a turn to bank value.

Also, I hate Zeddy for pointing out the name of the card and saying him and other streamers need to “be careful” what they say. Now I can’t unsee it.