The recent miniset is kinda weird just to put out there, it really shakes up how you need to build your decks.
So far, i’ve found good success with a Protos priest deck, and i’ve seen Death Knight utilize their Zerg cards to good effect too. I think Zergling is a really good replacement for Mining Casualties, and Viper is really strong right now and might get nerfed as people are complaining about. Not sure about putting Horseman + Kerrigan hero cards together though.
Terran it seems is the weakest because i just haven’t seen anyone using it, i’ve tried to understand it but I’m unsure of how it’s supposed to work, considering you discount the starship so i guess you need to spam launch them? Not sure.
It’s just a weird thing to do right now, considering most games are decided before round 5, having all these cards pushes deck building in a slower direction, I guess they want to stretch out playtime?