New mid expansion mini sets

Like this idea, as meta does kind of get old half way through. But concern is it adds 105 more cards to collect per year. If it’s mostly commons and rares, then no problem, but if full of epics legendarys then it will add a bit more to collect.

Mad at there being more stuff.

You people…


Depends on the rarity of the cards I guess, if they are 90% common-rare it should not be hard to collect.

didnt people here ask for mini expansion to shake the meta ?


According to the early reports, with the new reward track you will also earn packs from the current expansion. And the mini expansions will be added to the current expansion packs, so if you save those earned packs you’ll have an additional boost to the new cards.

But yes, it will likely increase the cost of a complete set of Legendaries and Epics.

Blizzard: We’ll make more awesome stuff for you!
Players: But we don’t want to spend more money!

And this is why I wish this game would be subscription based and everyone could have access to everything. (Or even better if it could work just with voluntary donations.)

As great as the new system revamp is (in my opinion at least) I always hate to see when others are missing out just because of money.


How else could you describe a F2P game?


Yes, technically I wouldn’t call Hearthstone a F2P game. What is your point? (I’m confused.)


Lol I said I like the move. Hopefully it doesn’t cost that much due to rarity. One reason meta can get stale is cause ppl only have 2 or 3 decks and dont have the resources to switch it up. Adding more rewards helps the problem, but if you add just as much to cost then it’s back to about the same.

Eh, I’m kinda sceptical about subscription being a remedy here. There is too much money to be made to voluntarily throw away microtransactions, so many games just throw stuff at you hoping you will buy more pixels. Even WoW, which has all three models of payment, which is somewhat eyebrow-raising when you realize. You pay for the game, you pay for time in game, and then you can pay even more for cosmetics.


The more cards the better, so I can look at my collection and think about the future where someday I might be able to buy something.

Yeah, I know. It’s more of a pipe dream.

What you decide to call it doesn’t change what it is.


Obviously, Mr. I-have-no-point-but-keep-talking-anyways. (Or what exactly do you want to say me with this?)

did you forgot to change to an alt because it looks you are talking to yourself with this post

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It is free to play, whatever you wanna call it. It is free to download, every card that impacts the game is available for free. You’re one of those donation supporters, go watch kurzgsagt, a German YouTube channel, it can help you a lot.

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I’m not “you people” thank you very much:)
I like the idea with one caveat:
Will We be able to obtain enough gold to keep up with the addition?
If We can, Great. If not, the day I’m forced to pay will be the day I quit.

Then save the resources yourself. If you are wasting all your gold for the first set, then you might not be able to get the second one (likely an adventure with very important cards).

I do that already. (saving my gold that is) But if Blizzard is going to keep moving the goalposts as a way of coercing players to pay then I’m probably done.
You can only bleed the base for so long.


I don’t see the mini sets coming once per expansion. Descent of Dragons had a mini set obtainable through Galakrond’s Awakening. Darkmoon Faire has a mini set obtainable through … something. Both expansions were the third expansion of the year. Maybe Blizzard will be consistent and release the next mini set during the last expansion of the next year. I’m not counting the demon hunter initiate set because they’re not eligible to be dusted and are fairly easy to obtain.