New meme interaction unlocked (at least new for me)

I just want to share this cool interaction I discovered while trying to make silly stuff for funsies. I wanted to complete my weeklies and log off till mini-set. I am still in gold this month, I can’t bother with this game as is so idc about WR. I saw one of my dailies included playing DK so I went to check the library to see if I could cook something fun to play 3 games with. So I decided to go down the deathrattle path. And I noticed something interesting while going through deathrattle minions. Maybe this is old news for many but here’s what I noticed:

We have this bad boy over here that no one has ever put in a deck ever:

Common · Minion · Whizbang

I noticed it says ‘Resummon THIS’ and I thought: that’s an intersting choice of words, what happens if I copy this deathrattle onto a different minion; would it resummon itself or just summon a nesting golem? Turns out, the dr does adapt to the minion it’s slapped onto, so I said: well, that’s a meme deck alright. And I want to present some interesting and fun things I managed to slap this DR on:

Legendary · Minion · Showdown in the Badlands · At the end of your turn, gain 5 Corpses. At the start of your turn, spend 5 Corpses to give your hero +5 Health.
Legendary · Minion · Core · Reborn Battlecry and Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy.
Legendary · Minion · TITANS · Titan After this uses an ability, Discover a card with that Rune.
Legendary · Minion · Showdown in the Badlands · Rush. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this game. Deathrattle: Take control of a random enemy minion.

Then once the DR is successfully slapped, for extra meme shenanigans ofc we have:
Rare · Minion · Festival of Legends · Battlecry: Trigger a friendly minion
Rare · Spell · Festival of Legends · Destroy your Undead. Resummon them.

So that’s it. Full disclosure: I won like 1 game out of 5 or 6 experimenting with this interaction. This is full garbage meme tier that belongs in gold rank. But I do think it is a cool interaction that could be worth delving into if a better deathrattle package is ever printed. Or who knows, maybe someone out there can make a fun deck out of this that has over a 20% WR. That’s all, happy miniset day tomorrow folks


How do you “slap” a minion’s DR on another one?

oh yeah sorry I forgot this key piece of information lol

Rare · Spell · Festival of Legends · Choose a minion. Spread its Deathrattle to adjacent minions.

then this guy can get this DR too but it’s random and has little value other than some board presence:

Epic · Minion · Festival of Legends · Battlecry: Spend 5 Corpses to trigger and gain the Deathrattle of a random friendly minion that died this game.

So at least a 3 card combo, you can imagine why this interaction is meme tier lol


That’s interesting. Thank you for sharing!

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This also works with the excavate deathrattle thing.


Does the deathrattle actually stick around after resummoning or is it basically just better reborn?

It is basically better reborn, the cool thing is that it has deathrattle sinergy with the rest of the package. There was a game where I slapped this DR on Thassarian, my opponent didn’t clear it, and the next turn I played Yelling Yodeler so now I had 3 of them, all of them with reborn and one of them would resummon itself again with reborn

I still lost, but that felt amazing.


Spectacular buffoonery! I thought this would just be a plaguespreader achievement thread but you found something genuinely interesting. Let me know what deck comes outta this find I been meaning to fine tune a Rainbow DK deck based around dead air shenanigans

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I was disappointed early on when i learned that nesting golems DR trigger doesn’t see a minions stat buffs when it triggers. That would have been an interesting interaction if it triggered but only came down base don current buffed health.

Cool idea none the less.


Me to, i tested that intetaction on day one and was saddened by the results


I actually run the nesting in a handbuff undead deck. It can be really annoying. Cool discovery l, I must say, and thanks for taking the time to share!

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