New Mage/Rogue Dual Class Legendary: Keywarden Ivory

Jandice is much more impactful. This on turn 5 is an expensive yeti. Jandice on turn 5 is 3 bodies, possibly with taunt or rush.


Oh yes i love this card already mouhaha D.
I think highlander rogues will love this more value.

Do Rogues just concede when they reach turn 6? You don’t have to play this on turn 5 to be an expensive yeti.

And I’m not saying replace Jandice with this. So whatever. People thought broom was bad.

It doesn’t fit in miracle or secret rogue. Might see play in the future but I wouldn’t count on it.

or the past -it could be the card to make reno quest mage get back in the map (in wild that is)

useless card yes…