New Mage/Rogue Dual Class Legendary: Keywarden Ivory

5 mana 4/5
Battlecry: Discover a dual class spell from any class.
Spellburst: Get Another Copy


Someone smarter than me tell me the possible highrolls from this

It’s a value generator more than anything. There aren’t many dual class spells that the class itself can use with synergy, at least none that has been revealed so far.

Looks solid and playable.

potion of illusion is the only good one that I can think of

The biggest highroll I can picture from this is on turn 10 doing

This → Potion of Illusion → cast potion of illusion → play the 1/1 copy of this into whatever

I’ve Just gone over the list and:

Lightining Bloom
Devolving Missiles, Primordial Studies, Potion of Illusion, Brain Freeze
Coerce, Shield of Honor, Comencement
Wave of apathy, Gift of Luminescence, Raise Dead
Felosophy, Soul Shear
Demon Companion, Adorable Infestation and Animal Guardians.

16 choices, 2 bad draws (Animal Guardians and Felosophy, unless you’re running the Prime)


“Whatever” = “Prep” to trigger the second spellburst.

Felosophy is not dead draw if you’re playing mage. Solarian prime says high

Here’s a full list of Dual-Class spells by mana cost. Lots of 0 and 1-mana spells, which could be good for Miracle Rogue (and maybe small spell Mage) stuff.

Lightning Bloom
Raise Dead

Adorable Infestation
Brain Freeze
Demon Companion
Devolving Missiles
Primordial Studies
Shield of Honor
Wave of Apathy

Soul Shear

Gift of Luminance

Potion of Illusion

Cutting Class

Runic Carvings


Guardian Animals

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Scariest plays I can think of off this:
Rogue with hooked scimitar equipped plays this into cutting class to draw 4 for 7 mana (sprint but with a free 4/5 body thrown in)

Mage with Solarian Prime in hand play this into Felosophy twice to get 3 primes in a row.

Rogue this into 2x lightning bloom to make either gigantic edwins or questing adventurers

You missed Runic Carvings.

Also, Adorable Infestation, Shield of Honor, Commencement and Cutting Class are likely very situational picks for Mage.

The majority of the time, Rogue probably doesn’t want to see Adorable Infestation, Felosophy, Guardian Animals, or Commencement.

I do expect 5+ new Dual Class spells in the mini-set.

Yeah, RC. But would anyone play it? It’s barely played in their own classes.

Most of those would be bad for Rogue, but Adorable Infestation can be pretty decent for a miracle-style Rogue deck since it not only buffs and adds to the board but also adds a 1-mana minion to your hand.

It’ll still take up one of the Discover options from time to time, reducing the chances of you seeing something good.

Cool card. Wish Rogue wasn’t getting more value though.

5 mana is a bit steep for Miracle Rogues curve, we will have to wait and see if the value from this card is worth it, I don’t think it will be run.

Do they run Jandice though? I don’t think it’s that expensive. Seems the right cost.

They run Jandice yeah, doesn’t mean they need another big 5 drop clogging up their hand. I think people will add this card to their miracle rogue decks when it first releases and quickly realise it’s a dead card.