New Mage Freeze-synergy cards

Rare · Spell · Forged in the Barrens · Destroy all Frozen minions.
Common · Minion · Forged in the Barrens · Costs (2) less for each Frozen enemy.

So, minion-based Freeze Mage it is.

An AoE version of Shatter seems odd. But maybe strong. It requires a combo, but can be a 1-sided Twisting Nether.

Floecaster, though, seems like a good reward for running a bunch of Freezes in your deck. It’s a sort of Freeze variation on Kabal Crystal Runner

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Shattering Blast seems a bit too conditional. It’s pretty hard to Freeze multiple Minions and use It as of now, unless we’re talking about the late game. But strong. 7 mana 1 sides board clear with the Legendary.

Foecaster seems the same? It’s a easy 2 mana card on turn 5, and 0 mana after turn 10 (with the rank spell). It’s also easily a 3 mana combo with Cone of Cold, for a 5/5, freezing 3 Minions and a shooting star. Pretty good.

I’m still thinking on How the deck would draw and finish games tho.

Draw is probably some combination of the new Dungeoneer, other minions that draw, maybe Sayge since the Frost Secrets are some of the other better spell options. And if you’re running Secrets, then Arcanologist and Inconspicuous Rider become options to draw/thin your deck.

i think the 5/5 is insane personally easy 0-2 mana 5/5 on t5+, not fan of the aoe shatter though.

As for draw, i think in between the new dungeoneer, rigged faire game and in general the secret package (draw a secret, play a secret, Sayge, etc) you are covered.

So, something like a freeze/secret tempo deck.

Wooo, mage got some good stuff!
I really like the 6 mana minion and the 3 mana spell.
Maybe they aren’t great, but they look interesting

Or Flurry or Cone of Cold.

Killing two minions for two cards and three mana on turn five is pretty strong. Even stronger if you use your remaining two mana to play a 5/5 before you kill theirs.

Also, with more frost spells, the minion that summons freezing minions when you play frost spells gets better.

I’m not sure it’ll be enough yet, but it’s certainly a start.

They are kinda ok in itself i think and i do like them but there probably isnt enough freeze support.
Its kinda similar to spell damage mage,it just doesnt hit the critical mass of synergys and without synergys they are not really worth it.

Best card from the set is probably the new shaman 1 drop which is a decent card even without synergys (though there probably is more then enough elemental synergy for shaman to make it very good).

Freeze Mage, no! Nerf nerf nerf, not fun!

I’m leaning on the side that Freeze Mage by itself might not be enough (as it seems to lack a true win condition of any kind), but perhaps all this support opens the door for a hybrid Freeze Mage/HP Mage where we can finally rock out with Mordresh to close out games!

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Feels incredible inconsistent.

Technically the deck has now the tools to be nuts but it only really works if stars align.

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Yeah, i’m kinda feeling that too. I’m mainly worried abot two things:

1, There’s too much Focus on minion disruption.
Against Priest, Warlock and Spell Mage i frequently find myself with full hands of removal that don’t get to be played (also priest does not really Care about attacking with their Minions right now).

2, There’s no Freeze-to-Damage mechanic Against Warrior, Hunter and Paladin (which i feel will be where a Freeze deck shines the brightest, given how they are dependent on minion damage) i Just feel they’re gonna either keep playing bigger things and overtake my board or wittle me down with direct damage, while i’m unable to close the game.

So what’s the deal? Slotting in targeted burn? Can’t rely on the Minions surviving to attack right now (unless it’s against Paladin). Maybe Mordresh and we bite the bullet on Wildfire?

You can either give up on dugeoneer and just run actual mage draw and deck thinning like starscryer.

Or you can use dugeoneer effect to get the deck to be incredible fast to dominate board but without the tools to close the game except Alex.

You can also just run just fireball as finisher and pray to Yogg it not hit that small odd of not work.

I also not see why even run warden in this deck.
Kazakus is probably stronger overall even with all that synergy.

i think you can run dungeoneer in a secret build quite efficiently, especially since the tutors for secrets will increase your chances of hitting the non-secret spells.

and secrets is already a draw heavy package that can help in a tempo playstyle.

Whats the end game it this Freeze Mage???
Where is the payoff …What a terrible archetype Mage will contest the board with this cards when pigs fly.

well, it’s similar to every tempo deck payoff: constant pressure till you drop them.

not every deck needs a huge 20 damage finisher to work.

the payoffs are:
0 mana 5/5s, 3 mana aoe hard removals, 3 mana 4/5s that draw you a card, and etc high tempo cards.


What tempo ? 1 star all around for all new Mage cards , none of those will see play i will be surprised if this makes up a tier 4 deck …

AOE hard removals lmao thats funny a 3 mana card that does nothing by itself .

yes, 0 mana 5/5 is bad tempo


mage set is a solid 5/5 for me.


Something worth noting regarding Flowcaster is that if you summon 1/1 freezybois, your opponent clears them, their stuff will still be frozen on your next turn and discounting Flowcaster.

I feel like Freeze will work best with Secrets for more consistent draw, but I’m curious about hybridizing it with Spell Damage. I think the Spell Damage tookit would dilute your Frost draws more though, and that Dungeoneer looks like a card you really wanna trigger to try and get early Flowcaster drops.

This isn’t entirely what I was hoping for in regards to the other archetypes, but it seems to be a solid attempt to legitimize the Freeze toolkit. Just gotta find where it fits best.

Hero power freeze mage will be a thing and it will be VERY hated.

the confict i see with using the spell power package alongside freeze is that freeze now has 2 hard removals, and quite a few board stalls.

so, some of the great usues of spellpower package, like small damage aoe’s being able to clear enemy board become irrelevant.

it almost feels like the two decks compete in a core strength of theirs.

Secret package offers more consistent draw and some high tempo plays to keep the flow going even when enemies clear you (portal, oasis) so you can keep going.

Hero power package seems a different, but potentially viable, more control oriented approach, where you mainly use your freezes for clears while building your HP.

But spell power… i can’t see how it will fit the theme.