Also revealed in the AmazingLP video.
It’s a nice proactive spell at the 3-mana mark, where Mage currently only has Secrets and Frost Nova in Standard.
The video suggests that the total excess damage is dealt to both minions, not split. (The video shows three 0/2 Target Dummies being destroyed, but they’re not shown in game, so that may or may not reflect what the spell actually does.)
It’s like Shadowbolt, but with splash damage.
Shown around the 1:53 mark:
Really good with spell damage.
Not super powerful, but very flexible. Can be shadowbolt or power shot depending on the scenario. Making sure your positioning is correct will be important vs mage.
I like these spells that deal the overkill damage to additional targets. Runes and rolling fireball are good,;. Guess that’s gonna be good too
Would be nice if it could chain like rolling fireball.
Boost it with spell damage and hit whatever and it spreads outwards until the excess damage ends
Cards like this are great because it requires thinking on how to place minions and that’s not something Hearthstone has embraced as much as it should have in the past.
There needs to be a lot more stuff like this. Cool card and really good at dealing with aggro as well which is something Mage needed.
I think this is a sneaky powerful card. Effective at killing several small minions on a wide board without telegraphing it to your opponent like Flame Ward. Also, good at killing one medium-sized minion. I like the design and think this will see play in non-Highlander Mage decks.
Place Stealth in the middle, Rolling Fireball kekw.
Place Stealth in the corner, Combustion kekw.
They played their in deck copies, Wand Thief, Arcane Breath, and Evocation gives them more, omegalul.
Without Spell Damge the max it does it 7 Raw Damage which is great for 3 Mana.
Dormant, Stealth, Elusive, Titanic Lackey, etc might make it too much of a pain.
3/5 Star Power Card
So putting a 1 health minion in the middle could get punished hard, with 3 damage going to each of its neighbours.
Hmm very interesting card - it’s like an evolution of Cinderstorm at the same Mana cost with Rolling Fireball.
It’s a very versatile card, I would not at all be surprised to see it in Highlander Mage.
Otherwise it will be a powerful card in arena, especially against opponents that don’t plan their board; although because it is epic it won’t be that common.
And to think rogue can discover this.
Kinda interesting,the way to play around this card is not to put the weak minion in the middle (for example 3/3,1/1,3/3 would be bad positioning) which is kinda counter to playing around betrayel.
Having said that i think this card is pretty weak as a control card and i dont think it will see much play if at all. Maybe highlander would run one copy but even about that i am not sure.
This is a cool card, a rare universally accepted card. This along with rolling fireball (and meteor) will make the opponent second guess their positioning throughout any games against mages. Also combos well with Kel.
This video is so cool. But is that Anduin trying to abuse Frazzled Freshman ? xDDD
This is kinda like exactly what mage needed right now. Probably one of their best cards this set. Plus, positional cards are always great.
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I think this sees play in Highlander and not much else
Good removal perhaps too good. This can be Shadowbolt, Power Shot, Avalanche, or mini Swipe depending on board positions but at least its not RNG so you can plan and play around the outcomes.
I mean, it’s a good card, but I’m bored when I look at it.
This is everything I want in a low-cost Mage Spell. It’s flexible in terms of early/mid removal and most importantly, can be discovered by Magic Trick.
Happy Wardrum is happy.