The only example so far of the new Sidequest mechanic that the non-E.V.I.L. classes are getting in the new expansion:
So, it’s basically a 1-mana 6/6 with a summoning delay. Could be useful in a spell-heavy deck.
And, if you have 10-mana the turn after you cast this, Khadgar + Power of Creation could yield Khadgar himself + 2 6/6 Dragons + 4 6-mana minions.
i dont know what to think of this, tbh.
first impression: looks really good! especially for the reasons that you already mentioned.
stoked on this new expansion! hope 3k gold gets me everything i want ^^. (i know it wont)
It can turn your AoE board clears into board development, so it seems good. Developing a 6/6 onto a board that got flamestrike’d is super good.
Can you have multiple quests active with side quests?
probably follows the same" one of each only" rule legendary quests already have
so you cant have 2 learn draconic at the same time
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Oh! I didn’t even notice it was a common, which means you could have two in your deck, interesting
Dragonmage Wardrum approves.
Dragonmage Pißwasser approves.
Dragorabananaslammajamma Drunk, of the Random Clan, has no opinion.
Maybe I am wrong on this but I see this as maybe even op. You get a 6/6 for doing stuff with mage most mages do anyways. Would this card be good: 1 mana mage spell. After 6 turns summon a 6/6. I think every deck with spells runs that card. And this is kinda what this card says. You invest 1 mana early and then later on you are blizzarding and making a 6/6 or two 6/6 with khadgar. Mages sure love their spells and this fits in nicely. Seems really good and might even work well with mana cyclone. 5 star card. Prove me wrong
Side Quests seem awesome.
I would have fun with this and Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
Cyclone mage is my first thought. A little added bonus for the Cyclone “miracle” turn could prove to be very strong.
The hunter side quest was also revealed a while back, forums be slipping. There are far more cards revealed than posted here, and I’m too lazy to copy them all from discord.
Seems super strong. And a cheap spell is always a good time to take another look at what’s in the collection that might synergize. Think about:
- Magic Dart Frog
- Dune Sculptor
- Vex Crow
- Mana Addict
- Exotic Mountseller
- Questing Adventurer
Note that is says “Spend 8 mana on spells” and not “Play spells that cost 8 mana combined”, so Apprentice + cheap spell spam is not going to synergize well with this one.
It’s a Rat Trap that will be triggered, no playing around it. Seems very strong.
op has 290 posts and is tl 3?
The biggest hurdle to getting tl 3 is the number of posts you’ve read.
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Yeah, pretty much what Aegaeon said. I do think that the requirement and/or days for posts read should be reviewed for these forums given the (lack of) activity at times, especially recently whn activity was at the lowest it has been in as long as I can remember.
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The more I think about this card, the more I like it. It seems very flexible.
A. Good Cyclone / Flamewaker(ish) / Antonidias fodder.
B. gives expensive board wipes / spells some additional tempo (Flamestrike, Blizzard)
C. Develops board even with lower impact spells like say Ice Barrier or whatever.
The only slight drawback is anti-synergy with Apprentice.
Does this start in your opening hand?
Probably best with Mage Quest to have guarantee in finding enough spell Ammo at the right time. I could see this being pretty awkward at times IE being forced to spend your spells to live before you draw one and then not having enough left to trigger it before you die. On the positive side though this lets you Pocket Galaxy spawn a 6/6 instead if at least 1 other mana was put into it instead of a 7 mana do nothing that turn.