Colossus is an insane card. Which is appropriate because it was also busted in StarCraft. They also captured the fact they were easy to kill.
On point flavor but might be way too op.
4 dmg twice is pretty good
7 dmg twice is crazy
I hope it does its atk animation
Resonance coil would equal to 2 spells (the protoss spell pool is small so this may be pretty consistent)
Shield battery is one
Neutral has photon cannon and chrono boost
Two copies each, there’s 10 spells in total, even with half of that you’re looking at 6+6 damage
Considering chrono boost summons a charge, you should be doing chip damage so it’s easier to lethal with colossus
This is before additional discovers. Having rewind as the only non-protoss spell would be most consistent. That said, protoss spells in an orb deck might not be bad either.
Some 40 card deck in wild might be greedy to mix protoss with rainbow or something, or there would be some waygate deck that combos colossus with extra turn. There’s that 4 mana spell that get 1/1 copies of your board, or you just want to hear its attack voice lines when you swing its 9 attack to the face.
it says random spell so wouldnt it be all protoss spells?
So the druid spells are available?
Everyone talking about the minion and neglecting the insane spell that might be auto play on Mage after release lmao.
Thats the scary card on the class, cant belive they made that card for Mage.
Shield Battery beyond OP.
I assume yes, as I saw the art on reddit.
Druid has Construct Pylon
Rogue has Blink
We don’t know the priest spell(s) yet
Blink is useless if you drew colossus already, but otherwise it’s basically a tutor plus discount as I don’t think mages will run other protoss minions (I wouldn’t put it past them for priest to be able to generate if not discover protoss minion from any class though, and then mage might randomly get that if it’s a spell)
Getting more neutral or mage protoss spells should still be good (I dont’ think they’ll let resonance generate itself though, the DQ Alex/discover rule applies here?)
Even in non toss decks discovering it might not be so bad, though you might not get to make use of the “next toss spell cost less” part
are there any special rules with non starcraft cards discovering starcraft cards
I’m wondering how they’re going to design the Mothership (would be extremely disappointed if they left it out).
Would make sense for it to be related to the Artanis Hero Card, but maybe it’s going to be Priest’s big Protoss minion. It would be cool if you had to work up to it starting from a Mothership core or something. Like in the game. It could give all minions Stealth too.
Pls blizz don’t screw that unit up. One of the most epic ones in the game.
imagine if it was a new priest starship
when this is launched, erase all enemy minions
If it’s Priest I bet they’ll lean on the Warping flavor. Like:
Battlecry: Summon a copy of each Protoss minion in your deck (except Mothership).
the black hole effect from the storyline is a pretty cool effect
Spot on my first thought, mage has a good armor spell again!! Been since cold case mage had a good armor spell.
But man i cant wait to see what DH gets now, happy for mage they got the flavor cards i like, legs hope DH gets just as good!
How is this going to get discounted is my question
if its your only protoss minion, it costs 9 less
To play these Mage cards you need a control deck, otherwise you’ll die to fast decks, and since you’ll go late game without much tooling you’ll probably have no chance against better control decks with armor like warriors.
It can probably use duplication spells to make the minion stronger. What tools does mage have for that?
INB4 warrior is zoo Terrans (dwarf planet)
/S if you couldn’t obviously tell