New Mage cards mini-set

2 Mana Spell Rare Spell School: Arcane
Deal 3 damage split among all enemy minions. If your deck has no minions, deal 3 more.

Buy One, Get One Freeze
3 mana Spell Common Spell School: Frost
Freeze a minion. Summon a Frozen copy of it.

Darkmoon Magician
3 mana Minion, Type: N/A
Elusive After you cast a Spell, cast a random spell that costs (1) more.

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I’m out. These are so hopelessly bad that mage is never going to be anything but a joke.
If no minion is all mage is allowed then i’m done until next set.


Maybe from your Forever Wild mindset but I’m pretty sure BOGO will be played in Rainbow Mage in Standard. A spell that copies Sif and can be discounted to 0 by Watercolor Artist? Yes please

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I told you No Minion Mage was getting 2 cards for support.
I didnt expect the 3rd for random BS( but i shouldnt be surprised).

Decent support for no Minion Mage still not there get but its 1 payoff card away from it

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It will never come either.

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Malfunction is the only good among the 3.

Buy One, Get One Freeze I don’t get. What am I trying to hit with that? You can target your own minions as well but it won’t work with Norgannon since it freezes the minion so what reason is there? It’s like another reprint of Reverberations, but worse.

The Magician is just another joke card that is a spit in the face.


No, it’s reverberations but better. Watercolor Artist.

Well, I would say in no uncertain terms what Team5 can do with these cards, but I don’t want to get banned.
Simply put? They are terrible, and that is being kind.
They have ended mage in both formats and this changes nothing.

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Too much work for a combo that is worse than just playing pre-nerfed Rainbow Mage.
Just needing to include Watercolor Artist in the deck shows it’s a bad deck. Also it’s no a sure hit. There will be Frostbolt, Cross Stitch that will either need to be cut or I will be relying on random tutors to win.

Also, if Rainbow Mage was tier 3 to 4 pre-nerfs what will that make this? Just solid tier 4?

I don’t think it’s good but I would gladly be proven wrong because I want to play Rainbow Mage.

I see more future in Spell Mage with that 2-mana removal. That card is insane.

A future that will never come. keep dreaming. They have been giving mage pieces of decks for years.

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Also, surely this could be a 2-mana card?

The No Minion Mage cards are good, that deck needs early clears and the Freeze card is great as well and could be a 0 cost in the deck.

BOGOF is obviously going to be played in Rainbow Mage, and take the deck from Tier 4 to Tier 3. No, it still won’t be good.

Malfunction is actually a good card for No Minion Mage, improving that deck more than BOGOF will improve Rainbow. Problem is, No Minion Mage is currently worse than Rainbow Mage, so still Tier 3 at best.

The Magician is not intended as a playable card, but as a Spot the Difference choice. It’s not terrible in that regard.

Buy One Get One Free is absolutely insane. Reverberations, but get a full body at the price of only stalling the other body.

Rainbow Mage could start running this and the Elemental that discounts a frost spell every turn to create a 0 mana copy of Sif.

Malfunctions is a early board control tool to a deck that really needs it, but I dont know if its enough to make the deck much better.

Darkmoon Magician is meme tho.

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Have we completely lost it what are we talking about here?

Reverb can remove. This just freezes (a 0-mana effect by the way) while summoning a copy that can’t do nothing but be removed by the opponent through a one-target removal.

What kind of copium are you people inhaling.

Remember Rainbow also runs Frostbolt and perhaps Cross-Stitch. These won’t be removed since they are also needed to stack the schools and are in general good cards. And Artist is still too slow. A 4 mana 4/4 “textless.”

Epic · Minion · Whizbang

Prior to BOGOF, Artist didn’t make much sense because there was only really one Frost spell you might want to save for the Sif turn. Now there are two, so you can run 4 total and have a reasonable chance of going off sooner.

The copy doesnt die in 1 hit, so you can copy a big threat and force your opponent to deal with it. There are definitly times where you would prefer this over reverb

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My opponent has Fye, what do I prefer?
My opponent has Sargeras, what do I prefer?
My opponent has any TITAN, what do I prefer?

Please, people, don’t get hyped over nothing. This card is a worse Reverberations.

This won’t save Rainbow. Reverting Salesman will.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad but it’s not this key card you are making it seem.

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If the deck is tier 4 I will be flatly amazed.
Pardon my tone. I am salty.
that they gave mage this trash and gave Hunter,
one of the best classes in the game, more Secret support, as though it needed it.
In Wild mage is dead.

Priest titan, Shaman titan, Druid titan you usually prefer BOGO for all of them. If your opponent cant clear the titan, you get to use multiple abilities.

Fye gives you healing so using BOGO instead is not a horrible thing.

Not to mention Yogg you REALLY want BOGO because yoy usually take control of the copied yogg, then have 2 non reverbed yoggs