Most often CoTW was top decked and played as a finisher for Hunter back in the day. You can’t top deck this for the same effect. I don’t even know what hunter deck would want this in deck either. Beast would never want this because it messes up the revive pool for crush and bears. Quest hunter doesn’t play minions unless they are naga or have a stupid synergy with the deck and this minion has none with it.
At the moment the card has no real place unless a mid ranger hunter becomes a real player in the meta. In that case sure it’s a interesting tempo on 7 but you basically have to mulligan for it.
I could get on board with this legendary if the minion itself had 7 drop stats to go with it. The stats are just really bad and an easy removal with anything on 7. It’s open for a very low end value trade which is never good on a 7 drop that’s not actively doing anything else. A Bear is just a better play since it’s protecting your health and it’s far more difficult to remove especially with emergency maneuvers.
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This is 100% for a variation of Big Beast Hunter or just… token Beast Hunter. With rats and rat king and such. Rat’s Nest gives you like 6 bodies for this. That’s almost the entire requirement.
I was thinking the same. This will be useful in a sort of rat deck. That is, without the big beasts we’re used to. I’m excited to try and build an Infused Rat Hunter.
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just throwing down a bear is already 3minions dying for Big Beast, i don´t think you need a token deck to make this card work. Even with infuse 4 it´s a decent 7mana play.
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Question: Does the card need to be in your hand for its Infuse to gain the counts of dead minions?
A powerless board worthy of the standard, as it always should be.
it should. Everything else would indeed be broken. Also how the mechanic does work so far with cards like
might be a new keyword, but the mechanic had been there (and it had been glorious, i sooo hope DH get´s a good token deck with this mechanic now getting full support. Also want nethrandamus back in standard next year).
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At least huffer has charge. Not sure if this is good,the requierement does seem a bit steep. On the other hand its hunter and 1 card that puts a lot of stuff on the board is not that bad in facedecks as a sort of final push.
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