New Hunter Legendary: Ara'lon

Legendary · Minion · Murder at Castle Nathria · Battlecry: Summon one of each Dormant Wildseed.

The Legendary part of the Hunter Wildseed archetype they’ve created for this expansion.

Flavor text: If I had a nickel for every time a Hunter Legendary minion in Castle Nathria summoned three different companions, I’d have two nickels - which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.

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so they are aware that they designed these legendaries in the worst possible way and still decided to go for it :face_vomiting:

This card is good and interesting, don’t get me wrong, but I hate so much the other legendary: it’s recycled from call of the wild and uninteresting.

Speaking of this card: it may be an autoinclude in any hunter deck that doesn’t play the quest; maybe even aggro deck may find it good enough to be use it
(similar to kodobane, which was used by aggro if I remember correctly).

This enters in the list of the legendary cards I’d craft day1 if HS economy for f2p wasn’t so punishing :joy:

This is such a huge amount of value in one card. It is a bit slow but if your not against a super aggro deck it’s so good.

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People say they are slow, but i see the 3 mana spell that summons 2 and lowers the timer of all by 1 and I dont see anything slow about that.

Basically from t2 and onwards the deck can keep constant pressure up with those since they are basically heavily undercosted.

Technically I would say it would be something like “aggressive midrange” I guess.

One thing is for certain though, while initially I thought that the location would be good (since it pairs with the taunt and the stag nicely) with how many of those things you can summon now, I don’t think you will have SPACE for it anymore on the board lol.

let alone that it seems like every hunter card in this expansion summons at least 2 creatures lol. the 1 drop with the deathrattle, the spirits which all are either 2 or more bodies per card, the 2 mana infuse spell, the other legendary, etc.

it should be a very easy ride for hunters to infuse stuff, probably enough to even fit in a Sire finisher in there. And there’s even that neutral infuse “draw 3” if needed for them available.

This is ungodly value for 5 mana. The dormant stuff is ridiculously good, especially the weapon. This is going to see so much play.

Why are two of the best classes, druid and hunter, getting some of the most crazy value and broken cards? I wish I could get value like this out of classes that were designed to have value. Goodness.

what do you mean by "worst possible way "?
too bad wild spirits is an epic

is a must have for wildseed deck

What do you mean? It’s weird but they actually support each other.

I’m just… I guess you can build this sort of zoo beast Hunter deck a bunch of different ways. I can think of like 4 different ways.

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That both legendaries are very similar, but one has a cool, new, interesting effect, it’s cheap and gives you good stuff; the other one has an old effect, requires a condition, it’s more expensive and gives you pretty basic minions.

Usually the two legendary cards are for different archetypes, with very different purposes; in this case, I have no doubt Aralon will be the legendary I will use, while the other one is the bad version of it

there are 2 epics and 1 legendary, I hope to get lucky or I need to spend 3200 dusts only to play this archetype (which is something I prefer to avoid)

I mean that since they are similar, but one is better than the other, it’s like if hunter only got 1 legendary instead of 2.
If one of these would have been released later in the miniset and instead we get now another different legendary, I would have liked it more

It seems to me like one is much higher value and the other is far higher tempo. Though the animal companions are actually all better than the wildseed minions except the stag (which takes an eternity to hatch).

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