New hacks in the game

Hey so apparently people can play decks with infinite copies of cards now.
i versed a rogue that played like 6 or 7 velaroks FROM HAND. he never even played one card from another class.
every velarok was already transformed and generated crazy good cards (symphony, 10 mana bomb robot, 2x helya etc) .
i could literally see the card entering his hand freshly drawn and it being an already transformed velarok.
there is no way this can be possible. no whizbang deck, no copies or any of that sort.
watch out people, new wave of hackers incoming.
would love to post the name…

A replay would be way more interesting.

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i am at uni dorm on ipad, there is no deck tracker. you can believe this is a troll post all you want, i just want people who read this to know: youre not crazy, its not imaginary, that person really just played multiple copies of cards he CAN NOT HAVE with discovers that CAN NOT BE RANDOM.

You mean, Tolin’s Goblet, one of the Wonderous Treasures from the new legendary Marin?

not hacks, learn to read cards thanks


buddy, can you have tolins goblet when its turn 3,4,5? when no marin was ever played

Communist doesn’t know how something works. More at 11.


I could imagine something like this happening

Turns 1-3 are generating coins
turn 4, pop down well, get some free legendaries (including Marin)
turn 5, play goblet into velarok

like yea, a highroll. cool

yeah sure man, im so stupid i can not believe the thing in front of my eyes. i must have missed the well and coints and marin and goblet, that draws an already transformed velarok that was somehow shuffled into the deck

hey, thanks for admitting it! :slight_smile:


every non-blizzard shill: please do no let these people lead you into believing everything is just fine and as intended. there are ways to hack the game, just as there are in every game.
remember just a few weeks ago when people had an otk turn 1 in twist? guess that was fake too.
believe what you see, report the cheaters and send a ticket to blizzard so they can further investigate

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There was video and hsreplay evidence of this. If you have any such evidence, you would be believed


i did not think of it in the moment but its a nice idea, i will keep it in mind.

OP is projectin so hard lol smh

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i am so sorry, reporting suspicious behavior is not wanted on this forum i forgot. let me spend 100 bucks daily and praise the developers. you are so smart and an inspiriation. your contributions are unparalleled

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Nah don’t take it too hard.
Some people are a bit rough
The general message is just that “simply” reporting something without context, replay or screenshot often leads to a dead end when the reported case cannot be reproduced.
Since a lot of reports are about situations the reporter simply did not understand, in absence of evidence that’s what “we” will lean towards.

As for actual hacks, The only hacks I’ve ever been aware of that can physically interfere within a game for both players are those were decklists are manipulated. But these only happened outside of constructed, in modes where the deck construction system is very different and changes often, which opens more vulnerability.

The other hacks I’ve been made aware of recently only affect the cheater (with animation speed accelerated for example)

Outside of that, I don’t think wev’e ever had evidence for any hack in the game (at least not in years), which makes it unlikely that a simple “this happened, obvious hack” with no backup will be given credit to.

Even on a mobile device you can get the reflex to take screenshots. It’s often really easy like volume down + power button held for 1 second. That’s a handy shortcut to learn even outside of video games

I love thise kind of stories <3