New Druid/Hunter Common Spell: Resizing Pouch

Resizing Pouch is not = random card generation, though. It’s a select pool, which you can manipulate (pick).

You’re mixing it up with cards with effects like “add a random demon to your hand”.

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Not mixing it up at all. The original comment I was replying to was “it’s random generation with a lot of skill involved”. Random generation does not equal a lot of skill!

Somewhat lacking in wording, yes. The point is still loud and clear.

My opinion on this particular card is that it seems more like a hail mary type of card, where in a desparate situation a player is looking for just the right type of card to get them out of a bad situation e.g. a taunt or a board clearance card and are just hoping for the best.

Hunter can’t get Lightning Bloom, Innervate, Moonfire or any other Druid spell off of this.

It’s a Discover effect, so Hunters can only get Hunter or Neutral cards from it.

Druids are going to love this card, giving them a very high chance to Discover Embiggen or Lightning Bloom.

imho relying on the Pouch as a scuffed Zephrys is a mistake, I don’t believe it will be reliable enough to find specific answers @ various breakpoints.

On the other hand, I really like the card as a filler in any kind of ramp deck.

I’ve played a fair amount of Druid, and games tend to break into 3 categories:

  1. Play ramp early, play big things, win. in this situation Pouch is just bad, and might not even be played.
  2. Draw all the Ramp and none of the big stuff. Pouch does some work here and it will prevent a 10 manna hero power pass turn.
  3. Draw all the big stuff and no Ramp. Pouch gives you something to do with those early turns.

In Hunter - Pouch seems more like a Tracking type card, helps fill in a turn where you just don’t have a great curve play in hand.

Yes I do agree with that. Unlikely this card would be included in my deck though the other druid card (the one that buffs and summons) would most likely be included in my token spell druid deck.

It’s pretty good for curve. It isn’t a hard include but if you discover it you can take it and it would be fine but there is a lot of better 1 mana stuff.

O, and ewww!!
Dual Class + Discover does not mean discover from the other class on the card that it shares with? Whos like, nah we can’t allow that, it would be too popular, even tho there’s not many dual class discover / odds to do big things outside of like 0 cost cards.

Discover only means, “discover from your own class, even tho just these 2 classes can use this card?” Rex can only get rex cards, druid can only get druid cards?

If so, what a misfire design.
It’s discover, and dual class, the class border shouldnt be inbetween.
Super jank putting a barrier in the card when there shouldn’t be a wall.
“each of u can discover…but only from your own class”
Its like a illusion of coolness and deckbuilding.

We need scorpions “wind of change” to tear that wall down. It’s so unnecessary and like uninteresting now.
Thanks for tip.