New Druid Legendary Minion - Keeper Staladris

Druids have been happily using Ultimate Infestation primarily for the draw effect (though the other stuff certainly did not hurt) and that card is leaving Standard with the rotation. Nourish drawing 6 for 14 mana over 2 turns may be “good enough” in decks that hunger for drawing power.

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I doubt it. The Power of the Wild they played during the livestream had new art and there’d be no reason to update the art if they weren’t making it playable for existing Choose One’s.

I think it’s fine. Most existing Choose spells, while strong, wouldn’t be so utterly devastating if combined when you consider you have to then factor in the cost of this minion and the fact that it’s a legendary.

Unless we get some more cheap Choose 1 spells this card won’t be doing much in Standard unless we get new choose 1 spells that are in the 0-3 mana range. Right now with the current card pool this card seems like it will cause hand space issues that outweigh the value.

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Just to refresh everyone, here’s the standard legal Choose One spells we know of so far:

Power of the Wild (Decent for token)
Wrath (Ok, probably just goes in since losing Spellstone)
Mark of Nature (Normally awful but interesting to consider for a token if you have Stalladris)
Mark of the Loa (Same as MoN)
Starfall (Pretty bleh, a +1 spellpower’d Swipe that can’t go face)
Nourish (Bad, 8 mana to play a 2/3, draw 3 cards and ramp to 10, but why are ramping to 10 if we’re no longer racing to UI?)

We can be pretty certain there will be at least 1 but probably 2-3 additional Choose One’s in this set.

Hehe jade idol in wild

Edit: Btw this card is not good enough to bring druid back. Lets take for ex fandral (one of my all time favourite cards). He was a must card in many druid decks but still he wasnt that much strong to change the tempo status of the game. Now this is a trully weaker fandral version in an era that druid is generally dead.
I dont expect it to see play but only in a year or so like the class itself.

I agree it isn’t going to bring Druid back but this isn’t a worse Fandral but just a different one.

For example for Nourish Fandral was a better card if you could hit both on curve, no question.

Staladris though is MUCH better for Jade Druid for instance as I can load up on Jade in hand which can be beneficial for draw (Auctioneer), Armor (Ferocious Howl), or Secret testing.

On spells I think Staladris and Fandral are about equal.

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Not once all of their defensive tools rotate out. No Branching Paths, no Oaken Summons pulling taunts, no Spreading Plague, etc. Spending that much mana and time drawing will get a Druid killed.


it’s not “weaker fandral”.

it has much lower tempo than fandral but much higher value than him.

fandral in effect doubled the choose one card while only costing the original cost.
this triples the choose one card but doesn’t get the discount.

so, more value, less tempo.

while tempo is the name of the game usually, a token deck usually has that covered, it’s that they run out of steam if answered the problem, which is inherently a value issue, not a tempo one.

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Honestly, I think this card is pretty strong. It’s a minion that has to be dealt with ASAP or your opponent can get crazy value from it. Considering it’s a 2-mana 2/3, it’s an easy card to play out with a Choose One spell as most of them cost 4-mana maximum. You can use this in a token deck for a crazy Power of the Wild play.

Seems quite strong and as others said basically it is Fandral 2.0.

its straight up better then fandral imo. For all the spells this is much better. The difference between 2 and 4 mana is huge when you want to combo this with a spell. Fandral rarely got his trigger,people,played it on 4 hoping it would survive and then play nourish next turn. Thats how most fandrals got played i think

Hand. Token. Druid.

This is it. This is the missing piece. It has to be.

Yep, this is slower because you don’t immediately gain value of it thanks to that you have to play the cards yourself in future turns possibly but it is safer than Fandral because of the reduced cost which allows you to combine it more easily with your choose spells.

Just noticed something. The ‘‘choises’’ actually cost 0 mana as cards.
For ex


Now if this card gives you 2* 0 mana spells then its actually a monster card and a lot better than fandral. Im not sure about this though

Edit: Had to cut ‘‘h’’ for http cause i cant include sites on my posts…

cost for each “card” is the same as original cost, not 0.

that was shown in the release video of the card

Makes sense actually :stuck_out_tongue:
Thx man

I’m not exactly sure how this would play out.

Right now, all Choose One cards are shown to cost 0 mana, which would basically be broken as all hell.

For example, Mark of Nature would give you two 0 mana cards, +4 health and Taunt, and +4 attack, for a total of 5 mana pay.


Edit: Nevermind, they just cost the original pricing. Boo. Not good.

This card seems more for Tokenish setup more then other big flash plays, altho, granted getting Starfall wouldn’t be bad in a Agro style match up, it just getting to the turn to combo it w/ it.

I’ve ran 2x starfalls in the pass in my token druid when it was Agro-stone with odd pally as the king for awhile, so I can see this being pretty decent there, but I don’t know my current token Deck running this


Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Raven

2x (2) Dendrologist

2x (2) Power of the Wild

2x (2) Witchwood Apple

2x (3) Landscaping

2x (3) Savage Roar

2x (4) Evolving Spores

2x (4) Soul of the Forest

2x (4) Swipe

2x (4) Wispering Woods

2x (5) Arcane Tyrant

2x (5) Force of Nature

2x (5) Treespeaker

2x (6) Tending Tauren

1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent

1x (9) Cenarius

2x (10) Mulchmuncher


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I’ve discovered Mark of the LoA in match up with hunter and proven pretty darn good in that so could come in handy on the value, but my hand does normally stay pretty big in general.

But I know i’m going lose the following

2x (4) Evolving Spores <this gave me wind furry so many times to victory i’ll miss it/giving my treants poison for the win
2x (5) Arcane Tyrant <nice combo with force , will be missed.
1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent <he might get replaced with this dude in general?

Still need to see rest the upcoming cards before I finalize my solid deck that does pretty well- Still if they made 1 minion doing spells only, the 2nd might do minion choose 1 ability ? hopeful or maybe a spell you cast for your next choose 1 choose all? It hard to say how this is going end up.

Makes me wish Witchwood Apple had been Choose one with the other effect being a simple “Summon a 2/2” Treant.

I think that a single Stalladris + Power of the Wild will be worth the price of admission but of course getting both in hand at the right time isn’t all that super common. Stalladris + Wrath is probably at the very least close to being worth it as well. Really hoping we’ll get a good, cheap, choose one spell this expansion as I feel just one more would be enough.

As an aside, I’ve been very happy with Wardruid Loti in my Treant Druid deck.

Just thinking in Wild Jade probably wouldn’t want this.
If it give’s you a copy of both…
So you get a 4/4 for 4 or 7/7 for 7 jade minion stuck in your hand…that is very slow…and not a good play at all.

This is a problem because the whole point of the deck is to empty down to 5 for UI Tyrant. Having a 4/4 or so or especially 5/5 6/6/ 7/7 stuck in your hand makes you OD or play a slow vanilla jade out…

See what I am thinking?
Yea the shuffle copy is nice, if it’s just another jade idol…but it would slow down Jade Druid even more…and the deck doesn’t have a problem winning the long game (obviously unless vs OTK) and adding like a 5/5 6/6 or so that doesn’t up your jade’s to your hand slows down the deck. Or you OD when you UI Tyrant.

Like say you T3 Staladris + Idol. Now you are stuck with a ugly 1/1 or 2/2 in your hand. You’d rather Growth or Blossom on 3…or whatever the deck runs now. You don’t want to be playing that vanilla jade out on any turn…it’s slow and doesn’t-matter…or you risk OD +1 when UI Tyrant.

I don’t think this fits Jade at all.