New druid legendary in PIP: Cruise Captain Lora

Legendary · Minion · Perils in Paradise · Battlecry: Summon 2 random locations.

7 mana 4/5 Pirate. Battlecry: Summon two random locations.

Seems fun.


funny reveal


I need a developer to go into deep detail as to what makes this a Druid Legendary.

People can’t be getting payed for creating stuff like this.
The effect is so lazy it almost makes the card look fake.

And of course, pirates in Druid. Make it make sense.


Cool card, probably used in Highlander warrior (since warrior tours druid) with Brann for double the effects + maybe some good locations or high cost ones this expansion. Also good if you get the fairytale forest location off it in warrior.


Oh yeah, Brann Warrior can use this.

What was it that Schyla was worried about for this expansion, again?

Why the heck is this a Druid Legendary?


I could see it’s related to the land(s) (locations) and therefore nature and druidry.


If this doesn’t show that class identity is dead I don’t know what will.


Location druid.

4 mana “Location Location Location” Summon a random 3 cost minion, if you control a location summon another

8 mana “Yoggcation” - Cast 5 random spells, if you control a location those spells cost 5 or more

Pirates have so much to do with druids and nature. rofl.
This team5 is flatly awful.

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As others pointed out it is a flavor fail but I don’t hate the effect itself.

Given you are the master of “fail” i bow to your insight oh wise one.


You’re lucky I can’t make “your mom” jokes here otherwise you’d know exactly what I’d say.


I think the only thing stopping brann warrior from running this is if they find that their deck already has better stuff to run.

But maybe, just maybe, the warrior cards will be pretty crap for warrior but good for whoever tourist warrior (too lazy to look that up)?

My fears are coming true. Priest location is going to end up all over the place. You 100% know Rogue is getting a location discover discount card.

The location is already annoying as is, it’s going to get so much more hate now.

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good…so druid miss now some more demon card and rainbow druid will be appear whit glory to most useless class ever…thx team5

and is just 7 mana…“sarcasm” cant even understand why not 8-9-10mana druid love high mana card what doing nothing this class can save self whit lots of board control stuff!!!

This seems bad… I feel like the pool of locations is too bad to make this worth it. Like, imagine spending 7 mana to summon Magical Dollhouse and Sanguine Depths with only a 4/5 body to show for it. And if you are hoping to hit prison most of the time… why are you not just running prison?


Ultimately yes. But people love cards that try to highroll. I mean, look at the 7 cost location 7 cost do nothing hope it’s not 7 cost hurt yourself. Yet people openly play that garbage location all the time. This doesn’t surprise me at all. I think it’s pretty bad but I can see Druids playing it just for the hopeful highroll it hits yogg, prison or even priest location.

Now, if we get like 8 new locations in this expansion and they all turn out to be really good, that changes things.


I think the expansion announcement said there were like 6 new locations coming so hopefully some of them will be good


This seems like a Neutral or Rogue Legendary that can flipped over to Druid because they forgot Druid was a class when they were making legendary cards so they had to shift a card so that Druid had a legendary for this set.

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In itself, the card is pretty broken, might I add

Even rolling for 2x 1-mana cost locations makes this a solid drop (it’s tutoring them from nowhere, so free value)

Tempo druid could really use this one, especially with some ramp, and as already mentioned, it’s good with Brann (if you make it until you can play the combo)