Tempo, but not last expansion tempo, which was basically an accelerated control/combo deck, but real tempo Druid
You choose the turns when to tempo swing and then use all your mana cheats to swing the board, finish them with spells
Some spell dmg possible
I mean, I don’t see starship minions as anything more than understatted taunt minions
You can’t really let them live, both because of their effect and because it’s a starship piece
And they’re easy to kill with lower stats
I highly doubt there will be a single viable deck with the Starship keyword next expansion. Maybe the one which comes after it.
Not sure what you men. I’ll just let them live (if I can stay alive), while I proceed with speed.
Isn’t Uluu like, very bad? Choose One cards are traditionally not great and having to wait with this in hand and pray for it to land something that is worth more than 5 mana to justify putting this legendary in a deck? Not even worth building around a choose both archetype either just for the off chance both choices are strong. I don’t even see what about it is interesting to play anyway.
Why waste a legendary slot on making a card this bad an bland, feelsbadman…
I certainly think so based on my assumption of how it works. But, I also thought Travel Master Dungar was a bad card pre-launch and we all know how that turned out…
You’re not wrong though. Unless something crazy happens, I anticipate that one being a dud. But, that won’t stop me from trying to use him if I draw him in a random pack…