New DH/Hunter Common Minion: Felfire Deadeye

Clearly DH and Hunter are not using their Hero powers enough yet.


Considerably better in DH than hunter but could see play in both. Reducing something to 0 mana is a lot better than reducing something to 1 mana

Its not that better if you already get it off every turn. I think its better in Hunter, because of all the Hero Power support cards.

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Wow , 4- 5 star card they play this protect it all cost buff it and zero hero mana power for 1 - 2 turns. maybe morem or they save it and use it to crank out that extra dmg for lethal.

Particularly interesting in Wild: unless I’m missing something it’s a great card for Even Hunter.


Yup, This might help aggro DH in wild a ton. And I’m all for it now. Im tired of secret mage and Raza priest dominating.

Isn’t there a card in wild that makes you able to hero power unlimited times? Can’t remember if it’s even costed or not, otherwise, lol

Lol I googled it it costs 6. Turn 8 otk?

Coldarra Drake, but it’s Mage only fortunately.

Oh that’s a pity. Would have been similar to when snip snap broke wild

Hunter needed some love. This will help a lot.

This is so strong in hunter! I want to craft Genn (I hate him and baku) just to try a reno even hunter

I don’t play either class because they don’t agree with my playstyle (unless you count the Lifesteal Memeon Hunter im playing at Legend right now) but this looks like it needs a hard removal every time as a control player, especially combod with the hunter card that lets you target minions. Superb card by the looks of it.

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this also reduces the cost of DK rexxar build a beast btw

is a great card, one of the bests from the set