Good lawd. Blizzard really wants me to be an Outcast DH main. This is already washing away the stain of Khaz’goroth.
Keep in mind that DH has Relic of Dimensions so his mana cost is anywhere from 7 to 0, in Relic DH. Outcast DH has to pay the full price. I don’t know anything about current Spell DH. Argus might be too clunky for Big DH.
Basic text: a 5/9 is the biggest Titan so far, outside of Amitus’ damage mitigation, effective health shenanigans. The fact that this card makes you think about positioning is SO COOL. Since summons always come out on the right side of your board, they will always have Lifesteal (Phantasms, Rush tokens, etc.). Since Deathrattle tokens tend to appear where the minion died, putting them on the left would give you good tempo.
I just love this card so much, even without the abilities. This Titan could have no abilities and it would already be 10/10 cool factor. If you have an established board, you can throw him on the left side and everything gets Lifesteal for a full heal. If you have a bunch of deathrattle summons, you can throw him on the right and go for a large tempo board clear. Yes, yes, yes.
EDIT: Since DH can often discount and this has an aura effect, it even makes you think about when to play it in a given turn. You can activate a Relic of Phantasms and then put this guy on the right for a huge board swing thanks to Rush. chef’s kiss
Crystal Carving: Until we see the rest of the DH set, I’m gonna go ahead and say that this will almost always be your final option. There are some decent neutral deathrattles in Standard right now but it pales in comparison to the other two options at time of writing.
Show of Force: This is never not good, unless you’re Spell DH. Great enough for Relic DH, and monstrous for Outcast DH. This will enable a huge turn of Outcast DH if they have even one or two minions on the board, just start flooding with Halveria and cheap Rush minions.
Argunite Army: obvious synergy with the basic text itself. I read on Reddit that it summons two tokens on either side, so you’ll get two Rush minions immediately. Probably the emergency option for when you need to respond to enemy board pressure and can’t afford the combo setup of Show of Force.
I love this card. Hope it’s good. Decks that are hard to play and also fair, like Outcast DH, deserve to have high payoffs.