New DH Hero Card: Kurtrus Demon-Render

Legendary · Hero · Fractured in Alterac Valley · Battlecry: Summon two /4 Demons with Rush. (Improved by your hero attacks this game.)

I believe the summoned Demons gain attack for each time your hero attacks.

With that hero power, this seems designed for a token-style strategy.

As a token-focused card, this could also work with the new 2-drop revealed during the 11-card stream earlier:

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Holy crap, could there be more math.

that is truly an interesting one. definitely works with the rush tokens, but not in a way i like.

Thankfully Blizzard has learned their lesson, and DH doesn’t have a cheap way to make their Hero Power cost zero, because that would be scary. :roll_eyes:

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you mean like that one 2/3 DH/Hunter card

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Felfire Deadeye, Expendable Performers

If you can trade all of em thats 24 damage.

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26 damage actually. You can hero power before you start trading.


only if the hero power costs zero the entire time.
Edit: oh it does, that card is still in standard, isnĂźt it?

still you need a big board involving zero taunts for that to go face.

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You only need 12 health on the opponents board, and the performers summoned can deal with most taunts on the board. Even if there isn’t 12 health on the opponents board, just 6 is 14 damage.

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yea but you´d have to hit them into the taunt till it´s gone before the reset can go face.
not saying the combo won´t see play, or be strong - but it will rarely be an OTK.

Someone is going to find a way to OTK with that hero power somehow. It’s begging to be made. Don’t know if it will be any good though.

I like the Big Demon Hunter playstyle more. It’s a shame that the hero doesn’t support that archetype.


T6: Play hero card on 6, summon the 2x 1/4 rushes (Improved by attack)

T8 Coin / 9: Felfire Deadeye. 2 mana 2/3 Hero power costs 1 less

(Or earlier with quest shennanigans, IF they fit together, which idk)

7 mana: Expendable performers: Card that summons 6-7x 1/1 rushers, if they die, resummon them again.
(+2 attack per 1 opponent hp on board)
6 attacks = 2 + 12 = 14 dmg
12 attacks = 2 + 24 = 26 dmg

Derailed coaster (5 mana 3/2: Battlecry summon a 1/1 rider with rush for each minion in hand) could also work in a handlock, but i don’t think you’d play it for that.

Coordinated strike can also make 3 illidari for 3 mana. Animated broomstick and crab rider also work but don’t seem good enough.

But yeah, just felfire deadeye and the 7 mana expendable performers is a fair chance to basically deal 2 damage per minion for 9 mana. (or 5-7 mana post quest completion or skull of guldan rng possibly)

It does seem like a possible otk but you could counter it by not playing any minions, but it’s a pretty flexible combo that removes board AND deals damage, so it seems pretty good, IF you live to play it. Which seems possible actually, maybe. in drawn out games.

Definitely a high star hero card, at least stand alone and with felfire dead eye. Even just no synergies, it works on every normal minion and basically might as well be a flexible 1 mana +2 savage roar for each minion, which could easily mean even just existing living boards of 3 minions attacking in say, even a dr dh, could easily add up to 6-8 damage for 3-4 extra mana.

If this thing also scales off weapon attacks for hero attacks, (and not hero power attacks) the 1 mana 1/2 weapon deathrattle draw a dr could make the rushes to 3/4 alone if it works off just attacks alone.

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This is just a strong card. DH is prone you using the HP to build up your Rush minions on the Battlecry. If you play Kurtrus on curve, they’ll probably be 3/4s or 4/4s. The extra damage he can add to any given turn with that HP is absurd. You don’t HAVE to run this in a Token DH for it to be impactful. Any minion-based DH (and there are several) will benefit from this card. This might be the strongest Hero card in the set.


Oh yeah and i forgot, even if you play them a bit late, his own hero power should probably be able to trigger up to like 3 times over with his own minions for +6 attack for 3 more flex mana on the 6-9 turns if you want.

So he could also cast a flexible 1-3 mana fireball to use any extra mana. IDK if it scales the rush minions after battlecry, but seems pretty good.

…while Tavish got the Huffer Lottery and two imp. Secrets.
Boi, what a difference.

Thank god DH got an OTK, they surely lacked that!



So more broken stuff to DH, seems about right…

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It’s more like a situational OTK and requires your opponent to play into it unlike the more solitaire oriented ones. That doesn’t mean this is a bad card. It can certainly bring some damage.

This will be pretty strong with other attack buffs, especially as they can be easily discounted. You can easily add 8+ to your attack along with the hero power for very little mana, then play performers.

It’ll be decent, but you are all mostly overrating this card if you are thinking about the OTK and in theory sure if you have built your deck to set it up to focus this, but such a setup would probably perform worse than playing a balanced deck with this as a secondary win condition. A regular setup might look to include a single copy of expendable performers, good luck hitting it in the next few turns after playing this.

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