New cards revealed starcraft is here

Common ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ At the end of your turn, summon four 4/1 Interceptors that attack random enemies.

carrier has arrived

Rare ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Battlecry: Deal 10 damage to a random enemy minion. (Transforms if you launched a Starship this game.)

Rare ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Battlecry: Your next Starship launch costs (2) less.

Common ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Starship Piece Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to all enemies. Also triggers on launch.

Common ¡ Spell ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Deal 3 damage. If this kills a minion, your Protoss minions cost (1) less this game.

Common ¡ Spell ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Your next Protoss card this turn costs (2) less.

Rare ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Battlecry: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each other Zerg minion you control.

Rare ¡ Minion ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Battlecry: Summon a copy of this.

Common ¡ Location ¡ The Great Dark Beyond ¡ Get a 1/1 Zergling. Deathrattle: Your Zerg minions have Rush this turn.


Looking good so far. Gotta give it to the design team, they’re good at designing fun, flavorful cards (a coherent and fun game experience not so much so far tho).

I love Carrier. 10/10 flavor, does just what the StarCraft ship does and feels just as strong.

They’ve got my full attention for now.


Hmmm I’m looking at the card library. It put SCV as a shaman card, but the card color seems to indicate it’s neutral?

With them hyping up how it’s a bigger miniset, think we’ll really need to see more reveals to know what’s up, especially the terran/toss/zerg pools.

We also need a meme image where the parent is playing with the happy kid - new miniset SC races - while the other kid - draenei - is drowning.


If you look close, it has a terran tag, so warrior shaman and palidan can use it.

Photon cannon and construct pylons look powerful. Cannon seems dependent on having enough protoss minions to make it worth it. It is flexible since it can go face though

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Those cards can either be opened in The Great Dark Beyond packs or unlocked as a complete 94-card set.* The normal version of the Mini-Set is available for $19.99 USD or 2500 Gold. The all-Golden version of the Mini-Set is available for $79.99 USD or 12,000 Gold and comes with a bonus Diamond Legendary card: Grunty! For this special Mini-Set, you can also get normal versions of each of the individual factions for $9.99 or 1200 Gold if you just want one.**

This is huge, so only 500 gold extra for the mini set or you can actualy only get the factions you want for 1200 gold each.

As for the cards so far i dont see anything special.

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Have they learned nothing from druid and cards like ‘construct pylon’…

Or the mana cheat aspect of photon cannon for that matter

I guess we’ll have to see what kind of minions can be cheated out … I suppose its why carrier is 12 mana but it seems like they keep committing the same design mistakes over and over again.

Also by making the stuff mech I’m going to guess they forgot about chemical spill / the 2 mana armor for mana reduction and theres going to be some giant starship mech that warrior gets to cheat out on turn 5 and repeat over and over with the 3 mana “summon a copy, attack, and die” spell.

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how are DH DK hunter and warlock going to get chemical spill? can you explain this ? im guessing you are talking about carrier because its the only card revealed so far that would survive losing 5 hp

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Who was referring to DH DK and hunter… I was solely referring to warrior. I was also thinking about the 2 mana lose 5 armor and make your next mech cost 5 less too.

But do you really think theres going to be 0 high cost warrior card reveals in the same line of carrier?

THeres a ton of mech support cards in warrior that I’m going to guess they did not take into account… because they historically do that.

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hmm you are still making zero sense
carrier is a protoss card

for spill to be used with carrier DH DK Hunter or warlock to use that card they would have to generate it and i dont think it would be as easy as you think

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I know carrier is a protoss card… But they changed all the starship cards to mech… and obviously only the shaman cards have been revealed so far… but my point was is they probably forgot all the mana cheat for mechs that have been locked away in warrior and if they reveal a card even remotely like carrier for warrior they’re going to have a day 1 problem with broken interactions.

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which mechs so far all been low cost i cant figure out which one you are complaining about

There is no presently listed revealed card that I am complaining about… I am just stating based upon the protoss ‘flagship starship card’ being revealed… if they do a similar card for warrior it could pose a problem given how quickly and easily it can be cheated out and duplicated over and over given that they randomly added the ‘mech’ tag to starships.

I am just throwing up the caution sign that they probably have completely forgot about all the mech synergy in warrior.

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Ok looked at card library again, it looks like they just aren’t adding the neutral/tri-class ones to pally or warrior section, probably waiting for their reveals.

But when I clicked on the individual card, it does say all 3 classes can use it.

Card library have also updated with more shaman (+terran) cards.

Basically lock on, siege tank, and missile pod are shaman specific. The rest of the “shaman” cards are terran class aka warriors and pallies can use them too.

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I have some questions on timing for a couple of these cards. This could be pretty disgusting depending on how they resolve.



Then join community creators for Hearthstone matches and mini-games as they compete for faction dominance! Faction members will also take turns guest-casting matches with host and Caster extraordinaire, Sottle.

The show starts on January 24, at 9 a.m. (PT). Watch on [PlayHearthstone] or [SolaryHS](French language, hosted by [Odemian]) Twitch channels and earn 1 The Great Dark Beyond Pack and 1 Golden The Great Dark Beyond Pack!

The Countdown’s On

Mini-Set cards are being revealed all week! Keep an eye out for all these incoming transmissions:

  • January 14 (2am PT): Hearthtoon reveal video
  • January 14 (10am PT): Jim Raynor reveal
  • January 15 (10am PT): Artanis reveal
  • January 16 (10am PT): Sarah Kerrigan reveal
  • January 17 (9am PT): 31.4 Patch Notes
  • January 17 (12 pm PT): Grunty reveal
  • January 18 (12 pm PT): CheezusCrust reveal
  • January 21: 31.4 Patch Live and Mini-Set launch
  • January 23: StarCast event
  • January 24: HearthCraft event

The fun’s just getting started. Check out the official [Card Library] for the full reveal schedule and all the cards that have been revealed so far!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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The counterpart to the Carrier is the Battlecruiser, and it has already been revealed as the launched starship.

The only other potential candidate for a big mech is the Thor, and I really doubt it will be that much better than the other targets you’d want for Chemical Spill.

Protoss is not Terran.


I can see the forums now nerf Zerg Hunter because wah aggro. You will have some do nothing control deck that doesn’t play anything the entire game dying on turn 4 to a god Zerg hand of turn 1 Zergling turn 2 some 2 mana Zerg card turn 3 Hydralisk turn 4 Zergling + Hydralisk. Since the opponent did nothing all game the 2 Hydralisks would get 11 total triggers to the face with that sequence.

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hydra can only trigger 7 times

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Frist Hydra triggers 4 times 2nd hydra triggers 7 time for total of 11 in the scenario i describe which assumes that one of the yet to be revealed zerg cards is 2 mana or less and is neutral or hunter for the turn 2 filler. Or we could use Spawning Pool on 1 for 1 Zergling turn 2 Double Zergling for 5 total Zergling on board turn 3 2nd Charge of Spawning Pool for 6 Zergling and Hydralisk for 7 triggers turn 4 Arcane Shot a zergling to make Room for 2nd Hydralisk for another 7 triggers for 14 total on turn 4 for a god draw scenario.


Is it strange I’m excited to hear the old sound effects?