New board notification bug in battlegrounds

I have a red 1 showing in my boards for battlegrounds, but there are no new boards, restarted client, tried on PC and iOS, reinstalled, and it won’t clear. Tried toggling favorite on every single board to no luck. Has been happening since January, tested today on the 30.6 patch

I can’t post a screenshot of the bug due to the new forum account system despite having an account in good standing since 2004 and your support page does not allow bug report submissions.


I also have this. It’s so frustrating. Have had it for about 2 weeks.

I’ve had this for years. It is never fixed


oh good, I’m glad I am not alone in this

Same here, its been a bug for me for about 3 months and its never cleared.

I’ve had this bug for a couple of years now. I think it might be something to do with my Crystallaruim board being set as favorite. I can’t un-toggle it.
Please fix Blizz

Same issue. Had it for what feels like almost a year now.

It’s definitely not new. If you search, unfortunately you’ll find a couple of posts on this issue impacting other players.

Same here. People have tried uninstalling and a whole slew of things. It’s something server side that is not working correctly.

I have this for 1 year now

So glad to know this will never be fixed. Do they not even read this?

still happening in 31.6.3 :frowning: