(Barrel of Sludge: 2 mana Fel Spell ‘When this is played, discarded or destroyed, deal 3 damage to the lowest Health enemy.’)
Miracle Rogue stocks on the rise!
This one is going to be frustrating…
Incredible card, will see tons of play for sure.
Maybe Evolve Shaman can do smth with this
Awful card
Also insane, could be great in miracle Rogue and DH
i hope the mini-set has a 1 cost that adds a random partner to your hand
it would be a fun legendary
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im surprised i didnt find a post about high noon duelist ( it wasnt revealed today)
Interesting that it seems like they are revealing all the neutrals first this time around. Dryscale Deputy is probably going to be in most decks, it’s just straight up good as long as you have spells in your deck. Most of the rest of these seem rather meh.
Deputy can get hit by Snake Oil and Plagues though.
Whelp Wrangler? Does DK already have this card that could only really be used in Unholy and it got nerfed? So now we get a neutral that doesn’t require corpses and back to the unerfed 2/3 state.
Gaslight Gatekeeper is basically Plot Twist on a stick.
Or, a worse version of Finley (imo) because you draw instead of swap.
I don’t see any reason to run it instead of running Finley…unless you want some really good cycle.
Finley is good, but is a legendary (less consistency) and has some drawbacks (may force you to push a good card to the bottom of your deck). Any combo deck that needs key cards staying in the deck, or that needs to find the combo piece as fast as possible will like this. Deathrattle rogue can still be a thing if they get some support, for instance. This adds great potential for cycling though your deck in search of anything you need, and to pull back from a dead hand in greedy decks, and that is a very valuable thing. I am confident this card will have plenty of uses.
Aside of those cases, I think this is great for control decks and particularly DH (has draw sinergy now). Also thinking about this card in a 40-card BRnR warrior makes me happy
This is generally why Control Warlock decks back in the day, and some in Wild, run Plot Twist. However, you’ll find they don’t run the card as often as you would think. I’m a heavy, heavy Plot Twist runner…as in, I run it in every single Warlock deck in wild that isn’t aggro.
I can tell you from experience that the best deck to run this type of card in is Highlander because it can get you to your win condition faster, answers, and those pesky highlander cards.
I imagine this card is ran in those highlander decks, but that’s probably it. Don’t expect to see it in Control decks. Finley is more often than not a better card to run.
I honestly don’t expect to see as many Highlander decks as people might be anticipating. Why? Because Plague DK will absolutely be prevalent if they become a thing and it will too devastating.
The design team shot themselves in the foot with trying to release Highlander decks while Plague DK is a thing. It’s not gonna turn out well for this expansion if they plan on players running Highlander decks.
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Gaslight Gatekeeper is going to see a lot of play. A 3/4 body with the ability to get rid of a bad hand or unwanted cards is amazing.
Dryscale is will only see play in Relic DH and will become a core card of the deck.
Linedance Partner will be put in every single aggro deck.
Eroded sediment, 3 cost.
Synthesize: get a 1 2 and 3 cost elemental. Hmmm.
Save all your copies of this card, because it’s going to get nerfed btw.
Yup, maybe draka comes back
We’ve had fully statted 2 drops that give Coins more reliably before (with Quests) and they weren’t nerfed. This card won’t be nerfed either.
Im pretty sure gaslight gatekeeper was printed with ‘quickdraw’ in mind. With that said this expansion hasn’t really excited me yet.
I was kind of excited for elemental mage/shaman but the elementals seem really poorly stated.
Quell Questing… whatever it was called was to make up from the value/tempo loss of playing a quest (before questlines rendered that pointless).
Mailbox Dancer is a closer comparison, but Mailbox Dancer has a bigger downside.
I think it’s… possible this card enables Miracle Rogue back to tier 0 and maybe warrants a nerf, but it’s… not a guarantee.
How is a 1 mana legendary that adds a bad card to your hand fun ?
This really isn’t legendary worthy, epic ? Sure.
A river croc that conditionally gives you a coin doesn’t sound nerf worthy to me.
Me and my friends would like a word.
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