Never thought I would say this but... I ran into a cheater

Go easy on them. They’re just a small indie game company after all.

This is happening to me kinda often lately. The problem with that DC theory of yours is, that many of those cheaters emote all the time when using this infinite time cheat. It is not even about holding a card above the battlefield or just being stuck in some other way. You can clearly see their interactions with your hero portrait, their cards, etc. I tried reading a bit about it as well and didn’t think too much of it and brushed it off as a few disconnects, but lately it has been happening way to often, maybe since I got to diamond in wild format. The closer you get to legend, the more it happens. I assume people are trying to keep their winstreak so they dont have to play as much. But as other people said in this thread, it always happens as you have lethal next turn.

What are the odds of that?

Same odds for when it’s not lethal next turn
Those moments people tend to forget, on purpose or not
I can’t count the DCs I or my opponent had, straight at the beginning, when I had lethal, when they had lethal or just randomly during the game
Actually I’ve had more DCs in the middle of the game than specifically while having lethal
And my opponent’s DCs are mostly at the beginning

This came across as racist and sterotyping. Players with English names also cheat.

If you believe the white knights cheating isn’t possible at all in HS