Never felt this way in hearthstone before

This is a first for me.

I feel nearly identical winning or losing this game. Every game is determined by:

  1. Highroll, either me or my opponent, a super consistent highroll target is Marin + wand and/or crown.
  2. Perfect curve into w/e the broken interaction is, be it mech rogue into super early zillax, or BSM into its tsunami.

And that, folks, is about it. The lesson is, if you don’t high roll enough or draw well enough expect to lose, everytime. No exceptions.

I feel a sense of apathy winning or losing, because I know nothing I did mattered.


Renathal is mostly causing this feeling for me, as draw becomes the greatest factor in who wins. It doesn’t help that the most popular and strongest deck-- Big Spell Mage is just a scam deck that can just instantly win a game on turn 4-6.

Also the 10 extra health he gives very often leaves you 10 or less damage off lethal, so you constantly get the feeling that you would lose no matter what in those games just because of the 40 hp.


This is the period of deckbuilding, not piloting, I’m afraid

Idk what you’ve been working on, but I can tell you right away that Big Spell Druid isn’t it.

I see huge potential in Soul Searching InsanityLock, and I believe you saw it, too xD

Btw, I’m still hurt you didn’t accept me as a friend.

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cant even bother to play currently. its just full on c word. every single deck. if the new expansion doesnt fix it, im outta here


I didn’t see the invite, sorry, its not showing, try again?

I don’t know how, you’re not in my Recently played list anymore and I don’t see your battletag in here

If you want, you can add me, Altair#2432

P.S. 4-0 on DK insanity, 3-0 against Mage xD

EDIT: Added ya, had to pull some strings to find out the tag

Its the end of an expansion, you’re ready for the next one now

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Renathal makes WORSE deck cards, that have BETTER deck health. That’s because there are always better cards that other cards; it’s a question “is the health better than the worsening of the cards?”; e.g. it’s often very bad on a very fast deck that was super refined since it might rarely die because of health but because of running out of steam.

The invite system gets stuck if there are many pending invites because indie company. Altair probably had a lot of pending invites. They can be deleted at battle net app.

They way it’s done is to increase revenue. The system itself is focused on attendace, not the result, like many movies nowdays are done the same way to sell more tickets, they don’t care about making something special anymore.

Which is how it should be, getting caught in feelings over pixels ain’t the way to go about in life.

Always been that way in this game n other TCGs, at least you caught on now.


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Nope. If anyone had too many pending invites, it’s him

Nobody wants me as a friend, unless it’s to curse at me for winning or to ask for the deck code (which doesn’t happen often, nobody wants to play sludgelock xD)


Now I’m imagining Cookie Monster as a communist activist. “We must seize the means of baking! Chocolate chip equality now!”

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So kind of like De Niro? Except a he was a “Muffin Communist”. :grin:

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With all respect.

I did just demolish the ladder with good old 30 card orb mage.

I don’t know what people are thinking RN but whatever they’re doing you can be sure they’re wrong.

My guess would be that all the Aggro players did this when Renathal was put back into Standard for a month.

That makes sense.

In fact i gonna make a wild guess here.

Renathal isn’t as good as people are painting. Not weak but just the fact of too many people use him is enough for your to profit from not using.

That because if everyone is a renathal player you gonna have the most consistent deck in the meta by not using.

Yes, welcome to current hearthstone. Your actions mean little in the wake of the absurd amounts of RNG and random card generation and mana cheat.

I know exactly how you feel. When I win or lose I simply conclude that the game chose me or my opponent that time.

Yeah, fairly certain that hearthstone is responsible for 97% of my use of that word.

Then you (likely) have unresolved issues. Have you considered seeking professional help?