Nerfs did nothing thread

Bother me after I’m done with Big DH, lol (only 40 more wins whoo). But I feel like Ball Hog, Aldrachi Warblades, even Workshop Mishap with or without Bartendobot would be good enough.

Survive until turn 7 and either Argus or Mythical Terror would practically solo the rest of the game.

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Can i’m Just say that i’m was adapting to the pre nerfs meta and now i’m kinda Just point and laugh when i’m see paladin or warrior as rainbow mage?


And Outfit Tailor is still hand damage. They didn’t kill the weapon so the deck isn’t going away.

I like how in the other thread that talked about this nerf I specifically said if they don’t hit DH weapon, demon or both they are sleeping at the wheel, and I pretty much got everyone reply, no it’s fine.

Lol. If you look at the spread odyn warrior was the main check for DH aggression and they nerfed odyn meaning DH aggression going to have free reign.

I guess that’s what the dingbat devs wanted?

I’m pretty sure you got my like, if not even a comment supporting it. No offense, but it didn’t take a genius to realize that, only a mid to high legend player as we’ve already seen DH most of our games.

Ofc, I just wanted to highlight how everyone had the reaction that DH is fine.

The weapon plus demon lead to too many blow out games, and we need answers to this idiotic 1 card combo (ie weapon.) clearly weapon breaking is not it. Alternatively they could nerf or dilute the pool of demons or something else.


I started playing it and I got hit by a glacial augment on turn 3 and just conceded as it was a mirror matchup

Looks like it’s a great tech card when all you see is DH. It was enough to tilt me and make me concede turn 3, so

(because I didn’t have anything else to play. If I did, I wouldn’t concede)

Sorry - have to ask - what is a glacial augment?

1 mana 2/1 elemental that freezes a target

I might have misnamed it cuz I suck with card names xDD

Oh i remembered now. That’s the name of a rune in LoL xD

Slow down there everyone on the “Warrior got nerfed”. Moving Odyn to 9 does zip to stop that decks play pattern. Aftershock to 5 is going to be a more interesting change. If you have to play it for full cost and don’t have it discounted on 3/4 an aggro deck gets another full round to push face. With all those Paladin changes Warrior gets lots of breathing room now.

I would have been happy to see just the Aura go to +1 attack and 2 turns instead of 3. Shrooscavate to rush instead of WF. Do that and i think the plushy was fine. They probably went a tad overboard on Paladin but better to do it all now instead of find out it wasn’t enough later i guess.

The rest of these changes seem very meh.

No worries, when I googled it I got LoL and was confused! (It’s glacial shard, which is I think an undervalued card mostly I see in shaman/elemental mage decks).

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Odyn warrior is wtilll super good vs dh. Just remove their boards and gain armor enjoy the free win.

My personal answer is to freeze face so his plan gets slow enough to deal with.

For me it’s working.

Odyn will still see play, the extra turn required to get it online will make the deck less oppressive to deal with.
Pally got demolished. Shroomscavate and the excavate package in general is dead for pallies. Deputization Aura is dead. Tigress Plushie is probably the only card that will still see some semblance of play.
The nerfs to hunter, shammy, and the zoo version of zilliax were necessary.

Was anyone really expecting anything else from this crew? They’re the masters of adjusting the cost of a card by one mana and acting like they did something


Not really bothered by Odyn getting hit, since it still is a strong finisher. Not to mention that Aftershock, Sanitize and Odyn will all be reverted when they rotate out, so Even Warrior is not going to be gone for long. I’d argue even keeping a deck slot available when those cards will be reverted.

Not to mention that Reno Warrior still is potent in Wild, just meant that Odyn comes down a turn later.

You need legend just to get a free pack or what? Why bother?
Do it next month.

Do you mean you have a technical issue and the game won’t patch? Or perhaps it’s an issue with the Bnet Launcher? Could it be a hardware issue with your PC or Mobile Device? A post in Technical Support might be more helpful, but you’d probably want to try to offer more specific information about what is making the game unplayable.

I think the nature shaman deck should have been hit harder. Way too easy to pull off this otk. A deck only the biggest scumbags will play.


Stop yer belly aching because Hunter can still smash DH