Nerfs are happening! bsm nerfed

But the one trick wasn’t really strong enough, and was being pushed out of the meta when people knew what they were doing against it.

The deck needed adaptations to remain competitive. The reason big spell mage was “saved” was because of a spike in orb mage, which was a good matchup for it, not because it was actually strong enough on its own. If orb mage had not appeared, BSM would probably be sub 50% at top 1k legend right now.

I was saving some tsunamis just in case, i think i can safely dust them now…

Lots of other decks are good against aggro. I’m not saying that you’re wrong here, I am actually impressed that you’re unbiased enough to have a relatively clear analysis, but Orb Mage isn’t the only answer to scissors.

Maybe, but NOT sub 45%. At a certain point aggro becomes the target.

I mean, it definitely wasn’t the only answer to it, but it was the only way to still be using the skyla/tide stuff with tsunami + sunset volley and improve your win rate against it.

It required changing the archetype a bit, but the main win condition remained basically the same, just less reliant on the very early tsunami in favor of better defenses and a major late game option in orb.

Overall, I consider it an optimization of the deck due to the bit of a dead end the original BSM list was running into. It just happened to boost the original one too.

I’m not too upset over the nerf selection. It probably removes the more frustrating version of BSM, and orb mage is a more flexible shell by default, so it can probably adapt to whatever the meta changes to in order to remain competitive (although it probably won’t be the best deck, which is fine)

This and everything this.

Even Zeddy made a remark about how it was a weird nerf because people were dropping it for the better list.

I imagine VS might come out and say the same thing.

Turbulus cost changed to 3 maybe? Yes please.

FYI Surfalopod is WAY WAY better played out of Big Spell Druid. The one masquerading as a Mage deck.

It takes me way longer to learn a deck, so I’m better off missing it.

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Nah. It’s gonna go to 4 mana 4/4 or 4/5. To 3 mana would be nuts.

Just the thought of Turbulus on 3 into Backstage Bouncer on 4 at 5/6 would be so good. I am daring them to do it. :slight_smile:

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100%. I’ll be playing Shaman again if they do.

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This whole thing makes zero sense. Why are they nerfing BSM with this?

Everyone knows Schyla is a priest card.



Well, with an extra turn my Insanity lock may finally have a better chance against BSM apart from highrolls. :slight_smile:

I doubt most of the players of it are “main mages” (I never got the concept of “main” in a game that doesn’t grind for gear but that’s another topic); they are so many that they may be mainly “flavor of the month” people; those people need only a small excuse to flock out of it and even 1 mana does that for most of them (2 just deletes them).

And they did not exist last month so if they were “main mages” why would they start now being obsessive with the class?

PS It doesn’t need a nerf because of its WINRATE; it warps the meta to be too fast; you don’t like too fast yourself.

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Where are the rest of the buffs/nerfs? The shaman buff makes little sense as shaman wasn’t exactly hurting… and the mage nerfs make no sense without tapping all the other mana cheat decks out there.

Buff that DH rush demon to a 5 mana 5/5 that reduces the cost of a minion by 5, or change the 4 mana 4/4 into a 2 mana 2/2 that reduces the cost of the next demon by 2. Big demon DH could be good if it just had a slight nudge into being able to compete with the rest of the mana cheat decks out there.

If you’re going to trim down mage mana cheat then do so for shaman/warrior/druid as well.

Or tune up the mana cheat for DH/hunter/priest… and yes I understand that DH has a strong winrate with pirates but some people want an option other than token aggro.

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My understanding is that functional changes like that still require full client side patches as opposed to mana and stat changes which can be done server side.

I expect Skyla goes to 6 or maybe even 7 with a little stat bump. Same for Surfalopod.