Nerf Warlock = Warrior meta

Why on earth did the nerf the wheel when it was the only thing keeping us from a control meta. In high legend I meet Warrior , warrior, warrior. Guess Warrior! Disgusting you let warrior get this for free. It’s very toxic when you have control decks as rank 1. eew.

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It’s not the warlock nerf which is to blame. It’s all the other aggro decks getting nerfed that did it.

OTK shaman is no longer an OTK deck. There were 2 versions: normal and Jive, insect one. Normal one is deleted entirely and the Insect version just became a full-blown control deck which struggles to win against previously favored matchups.

Zarimi Priest is (temporarily) deleted until people find a way to play 8 dragons consistently.

ALL warlock decks have been nerfed. Sludgelock and Painlock got hit by the Forge of wills nerf pretty badly. Wheellock just plays Reno without duplicates and it’s still high-legend material - I know because I’ve watched Droogie in top 100 with it yesterday for hours.

Plagues no longer work against warrior.

All those things combined is what’s to blame for warrior (again) taking over the meta. Wheellock nerf did nothing to help that happen.

I liked your post because the point of it stays true - warrior, again, is making people stop queueing up. But I have no idea how in the world you can be high legend with such a bad take. What are you playing? Surely not wheellock, because you’d find a way to make it work like Droogie has found.

I’ve been destroying warriors, this is a hunter meta

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Stop with the LIES… Play excavate Warlock and watch Warriors MELT.

You cannot be serious? Snake warlock destroys warrior and it isn’t even difficult. It also happens to be a pretty good deck overall in The Meta.

Snake warlock is a good deck, ROFL!!

Shows how much you don’t know. Remember snake ignores armor and only goes after the health. Killed a Warrior with 32 health left when I pinged him 4 times with snake.

good warrior will just rat ur snake and u can concede

It is now. Might want to delete this and save face. Snake warlock is gaining popularity

Has snake been buffed to 8 points? I thought it was 7?

No it’s still seven damage. So you need four snakes and two damage or five snakes for a guaranteed lethal.

The above poster who posted 32 damage posted in another thread that it was actually 32 armor.

Been running into warriors and it seems they get 2x dirty rat with Brann buff, so they are far more likely to hit any of your combo pieces.

Also most of them ignore killing the demons until they Reno them, preventing excavate. Vs warrior the end game doesn’t help much because of this. You have to reverb and self kill to get the excavated.

All in all, warrior feels favored in this match up once they know what they are doing, they will run dirty rat in etc, then hit you for 4 minion disrupt, and basically you got little to no chance to get the 5 snakes in.

Even running more bounce to hand effects won’t help much as the odds will still be in their favor of hitting enough of your combo pieces to disrupt lethal, then have Brann tempo you the hell out of the game. Wheel lock was a much better answer.

Okay so they are evolving their decks to combat this deck. That’s not surprising but 1 days worth of data doesn’t mean the sky is falling and Brann warrior is the only deck you can win with.

Do you have a deck list for Reno Wheellock?

Here’s his latest iteration:


He wen’t 7-8 with it so it might not be as good as advertised, lol

You better play sludgelock

Makiah took my list and went from 1100 to 150 and he doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon

LOL I’m so tired of playing sludgelock but I guess if that’s the only viable deck I guess I might have to. Sargerees is my favorite card I’d feel bad to bench him. Makiah took sludge from 1100 to 150 or Reno Wheel?

Yep. Now he’s 98 xDD