Nerf speculation

blessing of wisdom…draw 2-4 for 1 mana(if WF murloc survive)
divine favor…draw 1-7 base on match up…3 mana
secret passage fish 4 for 1 turn for 1 mana
warlock spell that draw 3 for being discard(cost 0 mana by discarding)
DH cost 6…outcast…reduce the 3 card drawn by 3 mana
DH cost 4 draw 4…outcast…kick opponent hand and draw 4 for them
Druid draw 5 for 7-10 mana(after ramping up fact)

so no…refreshing wont be touch

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without Incanters it only really lets you cycle your deck, you dont get any actual mana cheating or other unfair interactions. I have played way too much spell mage recently and if you dont have Incanters your main use of Spring water becomes to dig for Incanters before you fall too far behind in the game


It also kills the class just for the sake of it.

If gain mana is such a big issue just nerf spring water to 5.
You rarely gonna have spring water in a deck without incanter’s flow anyway.

It also opens space to kazakus that while not used nowadays can turn into an interesting option in the future.

It probably gets the hammer just because blizzard not know when to say no.

3.Libram of Wisdom (the +1/+1)
4.Sorcerers Apprentice

Sorcerers is not a bad shout actually. Would love to see that

I think RSW to 5 is fine. Brings it in line with Cutting Class.

Time will tell if they nerf flow. I don’t think they should but I can certainly see why they would (stats, not whining)

  1. Crabrider
  2. Conviction - i took of oh my yog becuz even if you increase mana cost it wil stil be pulled with sword of the fallen.
  3. Ticaktus and illucia
  4. First day of school.
  5. Incanters flow.
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I said a little before but you can’t balance any design in particular if you not have get in mind concessions done during it’s creation.

For mage in general is that the cards have to be a little more volatile than most classes.

Having those concessions make classes actually play different and you can be sure each class need at least two of they.

One being the one done during their own design and the other one exists as a year thing so they play different from the past years.

If you design everything by the same rules you end with 10 equal classes gameplay wise.

So as long as blizzard take those early winrates too serious mage isn’t allowed to even be considered competitive.

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Well maybe they tolerate a 65% mulligan winrate then. I’m against nerfing it but I’d understand

I kind of want all of the 1 mana discover spells nerfed to 2 mana. They are for the most part just auto include these days.

And what happens when Incanters or RSW is nerfed?
The only tier deck that mage currently has winds up in the dumpster.
This forum never changes. The players here are only happy when Mage and Priest are tier 4 or worse.

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Blizzard already stated that with the cards included in the Battle-Ready decks are not currently under consideration for nerfs. This means that current meta cards NOT in these decks are highly likely to be nerf targets.

  1. Refreshing Springwater (likely) OR Incanter’s flow – no idea why Blizzard wants to continue to nerf Mage into the ground when their best deck is Tier 3 (Spellmage). The fact that Spellmage isn’t the BR deck makes it pretty obvious they plan to dismantle Spellmage further.

  2. ETC God of Metal – not in the Warrior BR deck even though it’s currently in almost every Rush Warrior’s deck as a finisher.

  3. Mindrender Illucia – suspiciously not in the Heal Priest BR deck.

There’s one thing for certain though: It seems Blizzard does not mind the current Paladinstone meta, or at least they feel comfortable with the number of Rush warriors countering them.

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Like I said: This forum never changes. Yet another mage hate post disguised as a general discussion.
Mage has a tier three deck and that is WAY too good for it according to anyone on this thread.
They probably will nerf it and I will be proven right yet again.
Mage is only allowed to have trash tier decks or it is too good.

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you might need to relax abit, not everyone is out to get you just because they think Incanters flow deserves a nerf

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Spell Mage is one of the current meta defining decks at higher ranks

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And you might need to count every single time Mage was nerfed when it wasn’t dominating the meta or even close to it.
Every single mage deck that has performed at tier two or better has been nerfed unless it was a pure RNG deck that every actual mage player hated.
And guess what? Every other player on forums complained about those decks too.

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and every time those decks were tier 2 at low ranks it they were also the meta defining decks at high ranks


I don’t understand why devs would choose to nerf crabrider. It works with countless decks as an offensive or defensive weapon and it’s a 1/4. A 1/4 really isn’t that oppressive to anyones game. If you can’t deal with crabrider put more defensive spells in your deck or play a card before turn 3, problem solved. The fact that people expect this card to be nerfed speaks volumes of the whiney player base. A 1/3 will make the card useless because most people have early 3 damage spells and it will never stick to the board which was the whole concept behind making it a 1/4.

Actually meta defining at high ranks is priest.

Just saying.

There has a difference into being the situational pick and a meta defining deck.
Priest is literally who said that mage is playable.

If you gonna discuss high legend metagame you have to consider the actual difference between high legend and the other parts of the ladder.

Show me where Mage is better than Paladin or Warrior.
Or even Hunter.