Nerf Puppetmaster Dorian

Nerf Puppetmaster Dorian. it should cost 5 mana. Dorian + Psychmelon combos are way too fast, consistent, uninteractive and unfun.


maybe nerf psychmelon too honestly… 4 mana tutor 4 is kinda strong in this deck at least. i dunno though. playing against this deck sucks hard.


psychemelon been fine for years years!

not sure how good the deck is or how consistent but if it needs nerfed

they can just ban dorian and nerf it later

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Blizzard should not waste time and effort attempting to balance Wild.

cool opinion bro. i hear everyone’s got one

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Also there should be a separate Wild forum, and a rule in the code of conduct making Wild threads in this forum a banable offense.

i agree, there should be a separate wild forum. the second part maybe not so much

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Point is, with all due respect, I’d rather not have to even see the opinions of Wild players. I assume that the feeling is mutual.

i don’t mind reading about standard, myself. but i have all the free time a person could want to browse both a standard and wild forum, so yeah. that’s fair.

Be a shame if someone hit him with a class-specific or neutral silence or one of many cards that destroys minions.

How many decks in Wild have the luxury of running tech silence?
I can see your logic if the card is a class card that compliments the deck you are running.
That’s not the case for many classes.
Dorian is a pain, though I’m not sure which card in the combo needs a nerf:)

There is only one forum for all, though I agree Wild needs it’s own.
You ban idea is ridiculous. People are fallible.
And unless the rules are changed, they have every right to post here. You could ignore them.

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you give good recommendations for when he is played in standard
However they are complaining about an interaction where he(2/3rds of the time) enters play from oaken summons and then a psychmelon is played on the same turn. The wild deck then proceeds (sometimes still on the same turn) to eonar->aviana->lorethamar->lorthamar->Colifero which makes there board 120+ charge damage.

The deck can combo by turn 3(extreme high roll)
consistent by turn 5 by the looks of Roffle’s video( I haven’t tested can’t confirm)
Roffle and Marckmckz have made videos on it recently, not that I want to bring attention to it but if people want to see what is going on to understand it there are videos

like every deck there is some counter play however it feels like it falls in the same feels bad category that got Sorcerer’s Apprentice nerfed to not less then 1


Oh, but that’s different. 'Cause you know, reasons.

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actually yeah, reasons would be this deck doesn’t abuse going in and turning off your animations(I think some third party software or just more computer knowledge them I am willing to learn/invest is needed) so instead of addressing that issue they just keep nerfing cards that lead to players wanting to do it

or are you just spewing dev hate mage even after the latest spoilers for mage in standard, you can calm down a bit until mini set reveals if they are any good or not

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I did not say a word about mage. You did.
I face the Dorian deck every day in Wild. The Op is spot on.
Now… Back to Our regularly scheduled programming.


Of course…just after we ban renathal and dirty rat from wild.

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You know, if we have two formats with entirely different metas, and the game is digital…

Why don’t they just make format specific changes to the cards? If Dorian is “fine” in Standard but “broken” in Wild, just make changes that only affect him when played in Wild.

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no need for that they could do what some reddit sub do

force people to tag their threads so whenever we make one we have use format tags and choosing the wrong one can get the thread reported and deleted

Or we could realize Blizzard doesn’t care.

That is ridiculous as well. Reddit is needlessly complicated and punitive.
Why not just separate the forums? I think many here would love it as they would rarely see threads from me.