Nerf ideas, because playing ranked is not fun

Nerf ideas, because every game is the same:
The opponent play a singular card then he literaly win the game.

  1. Helya (because I hate the deathknight)
    It gives dk infinity damage by shuffleing back the same cards again and again to your deck, killing the value based gameplay with it, and I think if blizzard would give that card 2 more mana cost and instead of shuffleing back those card back to your deck, they would deal one more damage it would still be playable, although it won’t screw up your whole deck and the rest of the game.

  2. Sif

Just give it one or more mana cost so mage can’t copy it with Reverberations.

  1. Timewinder Zarimi

Extra turn, what a fun idea… Give it at least two more mana and more dragons for the battlecry, only because extra turns haven’t been fun since Open the Waygate was released.

  1. Wheel of DEATH

Another fun idea, just kill the opponent. This card shouldn’t exist. Not fun to play against it and I can’t believe that anyone could enjoy this deck while playing it. First I would give it plus 2 mana and turn. Or make it deal 30 damage to the enemy hero, or something else. But it would be simple if they just remove that card and won’t let anyone to play it again.

  1. Deepminer Brann

I don’t feel it that brann warrior would be strong but I would still add plus one or two more mana for the cost.

I think that with theese changes the meta would be more enjoyable, and not this toxic. Definetly there are more cards, that should be nerfed like Reska, the Pit boss but I think that first theese nerf would be okay.