Nerf Brann or dirty rat, dealer's choice

Basically, Reno Brann warrior becomes impossible to target with any deck that tries to set up a hand, because dirty rat can just end your attempts on the spot.

Etc allows for an additional rat, translating to up to 4 key minions being disrupted. In reality this usually requires only one, at most two disrupts.

For example, excavate Warlock, contrary to popular opinion, is not a Brann warrior counter vs a decent warrior player. They are heavily favored due to dirty rat.

Another example is Sif mage.

Any deck built around minions as win conditions will have this property.


Played a game earlier where between both players… couple thousand stats worth of minions were summoned and destroyed.

Game lasted “awhile” with massive board battles going back n forth.

Hero cards were played…

Board clears…

Disruptions… silences and removals.

Value generated from value into more value.

Epic battle.

Seeing your post reminds me how… limited Standard is.

Wild is BOMB now.

Better than ever.

Insanely good.

Would recommend.

Devs need pats on backs mang!

But Dirty Rat is also a slower deck’s only chance of beating Brann…

So yeah, please just delete Brann. I’d use stronger language, but the forums won’t allow me to.

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Dirty Rat is long overdue of getting a nerf of some sort.
The days when this card would backfire are long gone. It’s simply too powerful for a 2-drop, especially considering its premium premium stat line.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. This card’s standalone power is off the charts. It’s astonishingly strong when stats don’t matter anymore.

I totally agree with the message, but I believe that both should get nerfed.

There’s no data to support this position yet and furthermore you need to play the Brann and then the Rats before the Snakes chew up your life pool. Contrary to popular belief Brann Warrior doesn’t plan Brann on curve every game

I said this in another post. Lets see what the meta is like in a week. If Brann warrior is a tyrant the statistics will show us and it can be addressed then. Until that time it’s all speculation.

Tyrant or not, this card should have been deleted based on Blizzard’s goal of promoting player agency.

It’s very hard to claim your decisions in a game matter much when it basically came down to “did they get to play Brann?”

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I posted in another thread but i got some games in today finally. The warrior decks have evolved. It’s not even really the Rats i care about as i was weathering those just fine. My games with snake versus warrior were ended each time with a Boom Boss and then a second boom which deleted my deck.

Against other decks i felt fine but that Boss is a bit OP especially since they are copying and bouncing them now.

If this is true it’s just crazy. Just how much has the meta slowed down to allow this.

I will say I am a bit skeptical though. I mean are 6 TNTs not enough? Why the need to bounce it?

I adjusted mine yesterday but never played my Brann with two Brewmasters. My thought and it seems others as well is that more in the deck means it’s more likely to start them rolling.

For each one that triggers it’s deleting a card that could be drawn and increasing the odds of more TNT being drawn. Same way as old boom you just played it once but used Gas light to cycle twice to find them all.

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It’s not really any slower, they just swapped out the gaslight with brewmaster because it no longer lets them instant draw the bombs.

It’s not hard for Brann warrior to set up a turn where it’s safe to boomboss + bounce. After they do that you’ve got 12 bombs in your deck, which will delete your entire board, hand, and deck in short order.

So against fast decks, they still have all the warrior AoEs, removals, and armor gain, because none of those were removed.

And against the slow ones, they have the ability to just delete every single card you’d try to kill them with in the late game.

And they also have 2 board flood options that could kill you as well (ox and Dr boom).

It’s the same play pattern they were doing before, but plagues were a hard counter to the inevitabilities. That’s gone, so they (blizzard) literally have to kill Brann for the health of the game.

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That they did not nerf Boomboss is amazin. That card is regarded allowing 12-18 cards swing with Brann and that is even before bounce. That anyone thinks that’s acceptable is ridiculous.

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They did nerf boomboss, the TNT going into the opponent’s deck did make it less of an instantaneous board/hand strip.

But uhh… it’s still way, WAY too strong when doubled passively by Brann.

No one is allowed better disruption than Dirty Rat, but it’s cool for warrior to get a twisting nether for the opponent’s hand, deck, and field.

They should just change the card and remove the Battlecry tag but they won’t.

Give it Taunt, make it cheaper and turn it into an end of turn effect.

Better design, still a cool legendary.

…“at the end of your turn your battlecries trigger twice” ?!?

How does that work?

I was talking about Boomboss.


Gotcha. No quotes, etc. to indicate that, so I assumed you were talkin Brann based on the topic.

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The more you change other cards to avoid deleting Brann, the more Brann is being allowed to be badly designed.

Are they really going to try to keep warrior from getting strong battlecries all year so that they aren’t game warping if doubled?

Just kill Brann.

Seeing as how they went an entire cycle without ever touching the original Brann and then rotating them out I don’t see any indication that they’re going to change this Brann.

I would bet they do the same thing since this version of Brann will rotate out at the end of this season.

For some reason Brann is an untouchable card.

Well, that Brann was notably weaker and was basically a 3 mana tax to get doubled battlecries for only as long as you could keep it alive.

I still can’t believe ANY developer thought a +3 Mana shift and highlander requirement was enough to slap “for the rest of the game” onto it.

That’s enough for “until the end of your next turn”

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