Nemsy Necrofizzle

A bit more about education etc

Yeah, I remember what it is, thank you.

Nothing meant about German education in particular — in fact, it’s not even the one I’m most familiar with, let’s say that; however, a lot of the trends and problems with the education system are rather ubiquitous (or spread as ‘progress’ throughout the world eventually), so I’m not surprised if people recognise them as their own.

One would be surprised what kinds of problems people managed to solve with mechanical arithmometers and slide rules back in the day, but that’s not the point. Devices, including computers, are primarily there to do the heavy work — and schools are supposed to teach people to think (or, with ‘Modern Educayshun’… apparently not), use their heads sometimes. If students need to rely on calculators even for simple mental exercises, for instance, — they’re either bad or taught badly, and doing a lot of ‘mechanical’ calculations, apart from maybe some subjects such as chemistry (and definitely not mathematics), is hardly good educational material for schools — that’s what I had in mind. Besides, if we go into the grumpy old-timer mode, we can also note how all the technology available nowadays has hardly improved the levels of intelligence and education, as per the so-called reverse Flynn effect (also found in Wikipedia), — quite the opposite, if anything.

(Yeah, a way to hide off-topic material :grinning: )
Regarding an earlier discussion about Nemsy, who, by the way, is apparently not in BG, I’ve got another theory: maybe she’s renounced darkness (a thing warlocks could do in WotOG — double corruption of a sort, I suppose, like with Ragnaros, Lightlord) and thus switched to Nature-based abilities. This still contradicts the story implied by her tasks, though (as do her Nature abilities without any Fel or Shadow… so it’s a bit strange either way):