Nemsy Necrofizzle

has officially dropped into WoW!

Though i still need to craft proper-colored goggles for her and get a green or higher quality belt so i can transmog it.

:sunglasses: :+1:


Can’t find anything at the usual sources. It it an actual WoW NPC (in Stormwind by the looks of it) or a cosplay by you?

Usual sources suggest, though, that Cariel Roame is there for the next (or latest?) expansion, apparently. Maybe Nemsy could also show up one day, like Explorers (Elise, Reno, Finley), Morgl and Cariel did.

And Rafaam, as it seems, he even may have a bigger role (Galakrond resurrection, anyone?).

Well, time for some - Earl Gray?
Jean-Luc, how can a sane man drink this stuff? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

P.S. WoW-related info about Cariel and A.F. Kay, the Waking Shores is the starting zone of the now imminent expansion Dragonflight :

And for Rafaam:

Oh cool, they made an MMPORG based off Hearthstone?

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Not sure I got your reference (sure, there’s the power of search engines, and I know what you’ve probably meant, but it tells me nothing in the end anyway), but it’s ‘Earl Grey’. What’s wrong with your spelling, have you been playing Hearthstone at school? :grinning:

Yeah, forgot about him — it was mentioned somewhere as well previously.

As for A.F. Kay, that’s news for me!

Yeah, a small spin-off of the whole Nemsy franchise. I’ve heard something about RTS adaptations of it, too!

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Yet no matter what, we have yet to see a Rafaam hero skin

Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the 2. Enterprise (“The Next Generation”), was/is very fond of Earl Grey tea. No idea whether that’s still the case in the Amazon series.

Seems like I mixed up British and American versions of the color. Poor Earl Grey!
As for my spelling, I’m German and my school days date back a few decades, our “handhelds” looked like this:

So no HS at school - even it’s “Daddy” MtG was born about 20 years afterwards.

Strictly speaking, we probably shouldn’t, but let’s indulge in some off-topic fun anyway!

Yeah, I’ve got the power of search engines, thank you — just didn’t get what that was supposed to mean in this context…

The only thing worse* than misspelling a proper name, which definitely isn’t a colour, is cheap cliches:

* It’s up to you to figure out the degree of irony in this. :grinning:

What’s the point of a calculator without exponents, logarithms and maybe trigonometric functions at school anyway? I suppose one could solve some, although by far not all, chemical problems, which generally require step-by-step calculations, but not much more than that. I would prefer printed tables or something like this to such a device.

Otherwise, of course, that was a rhetoric question (about HS at school). :grinning:

Getting reaaaly OT here but - the price point? HP-35 had all this (and polish notation to boot :crazy_face:) but was unaffordable at about $300 - esp. when being German and the 1$ was “worth” about 3 Deutsche Mark - with an average 1970s’ monthly income at about 800-900 DM.
Slide rulers and “Logaritmentafeln” (log tables?) were still used for some years, together with mechanical calculators like this:

Not quite. Using one’s head is cheaper, they say, and another small thing — that’s what school education is supposed to be for, no matter how unpopular this old-fashioned opinion might be nowadays, especially on this forum, according to my observations.

Cumbersome engineering calculations or even numerical methods (including batches of people with mechanical devices, yes, before the advent of computers) — that’s another story, but using an ordinary calculator for school problems is more or less bad form.

That’s probably not a very representative average for such a country, especially considering the small matter of there being more than just one Germany at the time. Still, a need for a calculator for simple arithemtic generally indicates problems with either a student or the educational system, apart from some small exceptions, such as mentioned above.

I no have WoW activate, but many year I make the gnome … pimp I think you say it?

Have staff with jewel, hat with animal trimming, and fancy suits to wear. Was the bank of the guild I make to store the thing in the world. (values since 1948 are strictly Western Germany)

Durchschnitteentgelt = average income, it shows the average yearly income.
Scroll down to “1975” - it’s "21.808 DM " (Deutsche Mark), the currency we had until 2002, then it was converted to Euro at roughly 1,95 DM to 1 Euro

And thanks for the snide remark about German education of the 1970s. When invented in 1972, the HP 35 was unaffordable for most of the parents. Prices dropped a bit the next years and other companies like Commodore followed suit. In Western Germany the Aristo family of calculators became ubiquitous and scientific calculations were possible for much less - I seem to remember s/th like 80,- DM for this guys, though I’m not sure:

Greatings from the past. :wink:

A bit more about education etc

Yeah, I remember what it is, thank you.

Nothing meant about German education in particular — in fact, it’s not even the one I’m most familiar with, let’s say that; however, a lot of the trends and problems with the education system are rather ubiquitous (or spread as ‘progress’ throughout the world eventually), so I’m not surprised if people recognise them as their own.

One would be surprised what kinds of problems people managed to solve with mechanical arithmometers and slide rules back in the day, but that’s not the point. Devices, including computers, are primarily there to do the heavy work — and schools are supposed to teach people to think (or, with ‘Modern Educayshun’… apparently not), use their heads sometimes. If students need to rely on calculators even for simple mental exercises, for instance, — they’re either bad or taught badly, and doing a lot of ‘mechanical’ calculations, apart from maybe some subjects such as chemistry (and definitely not mathematics), is hardly good educational material for schools — that’s what I had in mind. Besides, if we go into the grumpy old-timer mode, we can also note how all the technology available nowadays has hardly improved the levels of intelligence and education, as per the so-called reverse Flynn effect (also found in Wikipedia), — quite the opposite, if anything.

(Yeah, a way to hide off-topic material :grinning: )
Regarding an earlier discussion about Nemsy, who, by the way, is apparently not in BG, I’ve got another theory: maybe she’s renounced darkness (a thing warlocks could do in WotOG — double corruption of a sort, I suppose, like with Ragnaros, Lightlord) and thus switched to Nature-based abilities. This still contradicts the story implied by her tasks, though (as do her Nature abilities without any Fel or Shadow… so it’s a bit strange either way):

No worries on that. :wink:

I guess it was at least partially the novelty? As I wrote, scientific calculators followed suit within 2-3 years. Scoffing about a youth unfit for life, because...(insert reason here) goes way back, recorded on clay tablets 5000 years old, so I'll pass on that.

As for Nemsy, she’s still on Fel, at least according to her Noodle Nemsy persona:

  • There’s nothing quite like a bowl of ramen cooked over felflames*

Well, different hero skins can depict altrenate personas — so there’s no contradiction here. Usually we don’t assume Tyrande to be a naga or a Kyrian, for instance.

Nemsy the mercenary, though, should probably make up her mind. :grinning: