Needs to be a way to report duo partners for throwing

Recently have had too many games while playing with randoms where the other player will intentionally ruin the game by either selling all their minions or buying self damage minions and spells. Needs to be a way to report this behaviour to balance it out a bit better. If there is i dont know it and it probably be easier to do.


they really need away to block people from become your partner. eventually people like that will only partner with others like them.

Just lost the match recently because of the teammate. Selling all of his minions in the late game. It was horrible. So mad :frowning:

Totally agree that Blizzard really need a way to report your teammate in BG duo who throws the game.

I’m so mad that I need to find a way to report in the forum. Don’t want him to throw the game and get away with it. :frowning:

Hopefully, Blizzard will listen and do something about it.

This happens to me several times a day . Any gains I make to get out the mmr of people quitting, are negated by trolling team mates!

Idk why you would do duos without a friend :man_shrugging:

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Please find a fix for this. Multiple times a day I’m finding players play a few rounds, sell their minions, then just sit waiting for the loss. I’ve chat with a couple players who have told me a player will queue at the same time on 2 accounts, then throw the match on their bot account to make an unfair advantage. This is making BG Duos not fun.

Also, please make it to where all 7 other players (teammate and opponents) are reportable, with actual repercussions of unfair gameplay.