Need suggestions for crafting

Hi all!

So, I started playing a couple months ago and decided to main Warlock (Evenlock) since I got Guldan, but they gutted it with the rotation so I left the game since that … now im back and I dont know what new class/deck I should aim for. I am hoping that u guys could tell me what I should craft/build towards considering the legendaries I already have.

The legendaries I have:

Mojomaster Zihi
Al’ Akir the Windlord
Hireek the Bat

I should prob say that I wanna play Standard and I have around 3k dust to craft for, so I guess I can make a fairly decent deck.

What synergizes well with these cards?

Well, you can always play Wild.

Unfortunately the legendaries you have aren’t too useful atm.

You could work toward an Alex/khadgar dragon mage, but it’s 10k deck minimum with a similar win rate as a 1k hunter deck. Same story with shaman using al’akir.

Hireek and mojomaster are not in anything good.

Vargoth could be used in token druid, but you would have to start with a budget version and work toward crafting Stalladris and the epics.

Crystalsong Token Druid
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 2x (1) Acornbearer
# 2x (2) Crystalsong Portal
# 2x (2) Dreamway Guardians
# 2x (2) EVIL Cable Rat
# 1x (2) Keeper Stalladris
# 2x (2) Power of the Wild
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Blessing of the Ancients
# 2x (3) Landscaping
# 2x (3) Savage Roar
# 1x (4) Archmage Vargoth
# 2x (4) Mark of the Loa
# 2x (4) Soul of the Forest
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 2x (4) Wispering Woods
# 2x (8) The Forest’s Aid

You might start with something more like this:

### Token Druid
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 2x (1) Acornbearer
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (2) Power of the Wild
# 2x (2) Knife Juggler
# 2x (2) Dreamway Guardians
# 2x (2) Dendrologist
# 2x (3) Savage Roar
# 2x (3) Microtech Controller
# 2x (3) Landscaping
# 2x (3) Blessing of the Ancients
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 2x (4) Soul of the Forest
# 2x (4) Mark of the Loa
# 1x (4) Archmage Vargoth
# 1x (6) Eccentric Scribe
# 2x (8) The Forest's Aid

Otherwise you can always go for a budget version of midrange Hunter which is super cheap:

### Midrange Hunter
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (1) Timber Wolf
# 2x (1) Springpaw
# 2x (2) Scavenging Hyena
# 2x (2) Hench-Clan Hogsteed
# 2x (2) Headhunter's Hatchet
# 2x (2) Dire Wolf Alpha
# 2x (3) Unleash the Hounds
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Ironbeak Owl
# 2x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (4) Houndmaster
# 2x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 2x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 2x (6) Savannah Highmane
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Find this deck on

And here’s a murloc shaman in your budget:

### Murloc Shaman
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Dragon
# 2x (0) Zap!
# 2x (1) Voltaic Burst
# 2x (1) Toxfin
# 2x (1) Sludge Slurper
# 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
# 2x (1) Lightning Bolt
# 2x (2) Underbelly Angler
# 2x (2) Soul of the Murloc
# 2x (2) Likkim
# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 2x (4) Thunderhead
# 2x (4) Storm Chaser
# 2x (5) Sunreaver Warmage
# 2x (5) Bloodlust
# 2x (6) Rain of Toads
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Find this deck on

Those are a pretty solid set of legendaries for a new player. Mojomaster was used during Rastakhan meta by some aggro decks to cripple decks that ramp and use lots of mana. It isn’t used now, but it might come back. Hireek is the only legendary there that is bad. Vargoth is good for mage, and is currently played in some decks, and Alex is a mage staple currently played in a top tier deck. So that’s something you could look into.

Zoolock is currently a top tier deck, and isn’t too expensive. You could look at iton HSReplay. You need 2x Flying Carpet epics, mainly, and a couple sea giants. And the warlock legendary that pulls 3 cards.

If you’re thinking about crafting legendary or epic cards, I would recommend you look first at the classic set to see if there’s anything there that you want.

Those cards will always have value, and many of them are very powerful.

Zilliax is by far the safest legendary craft right now, it’s used in everything

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If you want to stick with Warlock and go zoolock, best craft would be 2x Magic Carpet and 2x Sea Giants if you don’t have them yet. Sea Giants are especially good as they are from Classic and last forever. For fun, there’s Archvillain Rafaam, of course.

Thank you so much for the replies everyone! No one replied in the beginning so kinda forgot about this thread LUL

I decided to play Druid n Rogue - So therefore ended up crafting Leeroy Jenkins actually! I wanted to craft a neutral legendary so I could use it for multiple classes and its really been value for me in my cheap decks. + Its so fun haha!
Guess it would work fine in Zoolock aswell.

Prob going for Edwin Van Cleef next

Cheers fellow cardholders :smiley: