Need some advice and help, sory for deleting more then usual

Edit - i deleted many of my topics as i did want to spread negativity.
Also i did relapse abit into my old self which annoys me but i recomposed myself i ask sorry alot but at least im aware of my mistakes i say to myself anyway i am hoping to my old self again :slight_smile:

I normally dont delete as much topics like i did recently but i have just been a little down on a losing spree and feeling there is little room for off meta decks to do well.
I got to diamond 10 pretty fast 2 or 3 days ago and was hoping to go for legend already i used my thief rogue currently i am struggling have not struggled like this in awhile.
Part of my frustation is that i could be wrong but i win this deck and lose to that deck id like to play something that has a decent chance at beating even some of my unfavourable matchups or some off meta deck that can counter the meta.

Any advice welcome.


Actually, you are a serial deleter. You regularly make threads and delete them. I didn’t even read the OP. Just wanted to point that out.

Shame! rings bell

Well i will be leaving this one up as i am askin for help about the meta apoligies anyway i think i have composed myself.

Asking for help about the meta ehh? I will address this part first.

I can tell you a bit about something I recently done in HS that might make you feel like someone else has had the same misfortune.

I decided after hitting Legend last month with Warlock, I wanted to freshen a challenge for myself this month. So I went an crafted some Demon Hunter cards! Yep, went an spent dust on garbage I did basically lol.

I managed to get up to Diamond 5, an the truth is, if it wasn’t for bonus stars I wouldn’t of ever made it there with Demon Hunter. I have been stuck at Diamond 5 for soooooo many games it is unbelievable. It is just a nonstop losing spree. the deck cannot perform the amount of unfairness the meta decks are doing.

An that’s just how this meta is. You HAVE to play something on the tier lists, or your @$$ isn’t going up the ladder without bonus stars. You might be pondering an off meta deck to counter this meta, but it’s just not there.

If you’re playing Thief Rogue, not to sorta shame you, but c’mon man… Rogue has EVERYONE’S cards technically possible at their disposal per game. That is basically having the best possible counter meta deck in the game. Cause every match you can try to get the classes cards you need for X matchup. There’s not really any class you should try if you are a huge Rogue fan, who wants a decent chance in any matchup.

This meta is really simple. Does your deck have a quick scam moment? If yes, it’s good to go. Don’t bother trying to have a deck to counter a scam moment. Because it’s a lot easier to build something to abuse going first, then to try an buckle down, an counter a strategy.


I playing control paladin atm i dont really play dh warlock btw.

What exactly is that deck? It’s not the Pure Pally list is it? Cause that deck wins just fine.

Il post the list after my game :slight_smile: it doesnt run the countess or the minion that duplicates spells.

I am gonna add you if you don’t mind, I got nothing going on this Morning an can watch to see how your matches go yolo.

EDIT: Whats your tag, can’t find on forums lol.

I am on eu just so you know #Aerthis21325

I used to play on usa but idk maybe il do it again in the future.

EU? Welp never mind then lol. Good luck all the same though!

This makes me think i need to ask people something.

Ohh? Like what?

I just made a topic about i wonder how the usa server is different then eu.

I would give you 2 pieces of advice:

1- Do not think too much about this stuff, people on the internet don’t know you and will either be mean, ignore you or actually be nice and helpful; but no one cares much about what you do regardless. No need to be overly self-aware or anxious about your posts, so no need to delete your rants :slight_smile:

2- If you want to climb to legend early, my best advice is to drop thief rogue. It is a bad deck and it is a mousetrap. You will either have big highroll games where you feel you are playing the best deck in the meta, or big whiff games where you are completely helpless. Ultimately you will find that you are most of the times getting steamrolled by aggro and OTK decks or simply lowrolling your way into oblivion. Can you climb to legend with it? Probably. Can you do it very early? Unlikely.

If you like rogue and only want to play rogue, you can try learning miracle; but it is hard to climb with it if you are not really good with it. Otherwise, the best choices imo are pure pala, unholy DK, tempo mage or evolve shaman. Evolve shaman has a somewhat similar high-rolly vibe to it, so it might be up your alley and it is more succesful to climb.

Hope some of that helps and good luck climbing regardless! :slight_smile:


I can play the current miracle rogue but i was more a fan of the barrens miracle rogue :slight_smile:

I already switched from rogue to paladin atm.

I’m not gonna comment on decks or such, not being a Standard player myself, instead, a few points on mentality.

First, I hear sometimes how ‘the meta is horrible’ etc, but really, everyone has the same ‘meta’ — if it’s not fun, I just wouldn’t play it, otherwise, there’s no point in bemoaning it, you either handle it and find your solution to climb… or not.

Second, about mindset and so-called ‘tilting’.

Noticed that. So, firstly and most importantly — this is actually quite bad for your health, if you get this kind of rage, stress, etc, you should not only stop, but also, ideally, do some running, sit-ups, punch a bag or do other execrises, since, as far as I know, your body prepares to a ‘fight-or-flight’ response, even if the reasons are psychological, but if it doesn’t happen, your health is slowly ruined. Second, you start ‘tilting’, as they call it, which is detrimental to you winrate; for example, conceding too early when it looks bad might seem compelling, since there’s a high chance you’d lose anyway; however, if you take this chance, no matter how small, then it is what it is, but if you don’t — you just lose, and these odds might make a difference in the long run. There’s also impulsive decision-making when you are in such a state of mind and so on. I’ve read that even ‘pro’ poker players advise to never play when you’re stressed, tired, distracted, etc. My personal suggestion would be to play like you don’t care for those ranks at all and be cool — I think I’ve reached the highest ranks in HS or Gwent when playing like this, without even aiming to do it.

(Some minor edits made)

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Alright, I was in a bit of a hurry when writing the previous post, so I forgot to add the most important point, perhaps. You know it, of course (addressing the author here), but others may not: just play Mercenaries, which is obviously the best mode in the game, have loads of fun and forgo all the stress. :grinning: Speaking of which: even in chess, which is not the roulette that HS is, at the very top level it’s still an inevitable problem (I could go on, but I dunno if I should digress like this, unless someone’s really interested) — and what do you want from a game like this?

And about ranks: let me tell you, they are rubbish. Yeah, there are some — rather laughable, I must say — characters on this forum who think they are someone and are trying to brag about it: oh, look at me, I had this win streak, I reached that number, I’m so good, admire me! Let me reiterate it: this is rubbish. Just in case someone tries to throw in some ad hominem nonsense, I could point out the approximate level at which I play, but, once again: those numbers are rubbish, and I’m mostly doing those pesky weekly quests in Classic, apart from some inertia — sometimes I dunno why I keep bothering with maintaining the star bonus, in the hypothetical case it’d come in handy or something… same thing with gold. But anyway, enough of these insignificant details and personal digressions — instead, let me give you a much more interesting example: they actually paid some money (and it must have been a substantial amount, I assume) and gave a full collection to Garry Kasparov (I wonder if this bunch of hyperactive big babies, which are so abundant on this forum, even know who he is), who, despite his somewhat venerable age, has still more of brain, skill and so on than most people here will have — ever, so that he would promote the game. Last time I read about it, he reached D5 — and didn’t bother climbing further. Rather dumb bots, however, are a different story… Thus, it’s not even a case where ‘the better man wins’ or something — so I wouldn’t even bother with all this rubbish about ranks. Oh, did I mention that they are rubbish? :grinning:

One more thing: I don’t know what ‘negativity’ you speak of — I haven’t exactly been following your every move, but apart from occasional moments of frustration, the only somewhat strange thing I’ve noticed is your apologising excesively and profusely wherever necessary or not (most often the latter :grinning: ), even to some bozos, who clearly don’t even deserve any attention, if you ask me — but that’s your right and your choice, actually, and I’m not the one to tell you how to live your life.

PS Maybe I’ll merge two posts later, but not now.

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You are having a mental block.

Look at the recent past and if all the actions and helps are really helping you.

Drop the game and forum until you have clear your mental block. Then relearn the game.

Hope this helps.

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For some reason, reminds me of the following: ‘Forget all you thought you knew before…’ C’Thun, is that you in disguise? :grinning:

No offense, just a random association.

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I am more of a C’Pew, …pewpewpew…