My opinion on the new tutorial

Maybe you didn’t see or care about it but yes we just got a new tutorial. Shorter than the old one
Maybe too short… and maybe overlooking some key points ?

I think the first fight is actually fine as it is : the basics of playing minions, trading and playing spells.
The spells are targeted, even though you are forced to aim the fireball to finish the ennemy hero, which fits the fight but will bring inconsistency with the futur fights.
It also introduces charge without ever explaning it.

Second fight starts by introducing mana, which does not require too much explanation so it is just fine.
on turn 3 it introduces hero powers in a clunky way. You are still playing mage, you have a 3/2 that you played on turn 2 and should be able to attack as you just learned before but can’t because of the fight’s script :confused:

Instead you have to “Use your Hero Power on that Minion!” with no more explicit indication
Which minion ? My 3/2 ? My mana wyrm that I just drew and that fits my curve on the turn? The text of it is about spells and attack and my HP (is it a spell ?) is about damage so do I have to hp my wyrm to give it attack ?
The game doesn’t allow you to ping allies so it kinda helps you to figure it out but… you still can ping the ennemy hero. So heroes are minions ?
Also it isn’t stated that the HP is available once per turn at no card cost

Turn 4 brings 2 points that are strange. You draw a fireball and Jaina says “I fire spell ! Just what I was searching for.” So I thought the tutorial was about to introduce spell schools which it did not by the past… it doesn’t
And for some reason the fireball glows yellow now. It was green in the first fight but now it is yellow for no reason

Turn 5 you get your board cleared and the opponent plays a taunt minion. Nice taunt introduction… if you had minions to attack with maybe ?
That’s the worst introduction of taunt you can think of. You have nothing to attack with to witness the effect of taunt and the turn is scripted so you use polymorph (which glows yellow) on it then clear it with arcane missiles (which glows green)

Turn 6 introduces card draw, board clear from your side with arcane explosion and taunt on your side with Mirror Image
You can’t play Mirror Image if you haven’t played arcane explosion which seems unnecessary, the order wouldn’t have changed anything

Turn 7 you lethal with the “shoot 3 fireballes” Anthonidas that doesn’t have a fire spell condition

I feel like this fight is a big missed opportunity on spell schools.
Antonidas is drawn on turn 2
You draw fireball on turn 4 with jaina explicitely calling it a fire spell that she’s earching for
To remove the taunt on turn 5 we could have just drawn a fire lance (plus 25 damage on a spell is kinda funny)
On turn 6 instead of the Mirror image and arcane xplosion that doesn’t do much we could have drawn a fire potion that perfectly fits the mana and perfectly remove sthe board
Then on turn 7 we’ve had played our 3 fire spells in a row for Antonidas to be active

On fight 3 they introduce the player going second, with Jaina stating that she “gets an extra card”… what extra card ? We start with 3 cards and draw a 4th on turn 1. Not with 4 + the coin and a 6th card drawn on turn 1.
Was she refering to the fact that fight 1 we start with 1 card and fight 2 with 2 ? Because that’s unclear, and a missed opportunity to introduce the coin and extra card when going second

On turn 2 Flamewaker is glowing yellow for no reason
Turn 3 cinderstorm glows tellow for no reason and flamewaker can’t attack before you played it
Turn 4 basically the same thing
Turn 5 same. It also introduces weapons, sad we can’t experience it on our side but we play mage so it’s understandable.
Turn 6 introduces freeze effects. Woud have been nice to experience it with a minion of our own to really get what it means. We play against the Lich King, it would have fit the theme of the fight too but not the worst missed one
Nevermind, on turn 7 LK freezes our minions.
Woops, our board was empty (and our hero isn’t frozen even though fight 2 taught me that heroes are minions too :thinking:)
Turn 8 and 9 our only spells are forced to cast frost bolt and pyroblast face, this time it’s written on the card itself (just like mind blast or sinister strike) which is the inconsistency that I mentionned on fight 1 with the fireball forced to aim face.

Also not sure if I really like the fact tha ta lot of cards from the tutorial are actual cards, available in standard for some of them, with different stats and effects :

Fight 1 : Stonetusk Boars
Fight 2 : Archmage Antonidas, Bash, Arcane explosion, Grommash, Ignite Fight 3 : Flamewaker, Bonedigger Geist, First Flame, Battlefield Necromancer, Army of the dead, Frostmourne, Boneguard Commander, Pyroblast, Mana Giant, Frost Bolt

tl;dr : Cards glow yellow sometime for no reason with no explanation. It is unclear when a minion can attack or not, or when a spell can be cast or not. A lot of missed opportunities to introduce key elements like spell schools or minions tribes. Keywords are poorly introduced. So close and so far of being a pretty good tutorial imo, feels like it went on the right direction at first but got rushed half-way through.
It’s just a tutorial so it’s not a big deal, and at least it’s shorter now :person_shrugging: