My last 8 opponents have been bots

On standard casual I’m only getting bot opponents. I don’t get it D: it’s not like I only play casual; I am (altough low) ranked on Standard and Wild, but of my last 40 opponents on Casual maybe 8-10 were humans? :confused: And yeah, I’ve reported most of the bots I encounter but I’m getting sick of it >.> Anything I can do? I’ve won all the matches against them except the last 2 since I Conceded before the game started. Maybe stick to Standard until I reach a certain Rank??
Thanks in advance.

I started playing a few days ago after a multi-year break (5 or 6?) and have been playing in wild since I am a F2P peasant and can’t afford a meta deck for standard atm and all my good cards are rotated out. About ~50% of the games have been bots, so better than your ~75%. From what I recall casual usually has more bots, but as I said it’s been years.

From what I understand the bots are arena fodder and play normal modes to make gold for arena. Accounts that make it big in arena get sold for real money, so most of the bot accounts are throw-aways (evident by gibberish names and most cards being base-set). This is why banning them doesn’t really do anything (few, if anyone, bots on their actual account). I’m not simping for Blizzard as they have been on my naughty list for awhile so to say, but the reality is they would actively need to hire people to investigate and ban accounts that are being bought, which would require monitoring 3rd party stuff like they (used) to do in WoW with gold selling. Which is something they haven’t done in years (small indie company and all that).

My advice is just play ranked and don’t worry about your ranking. You will still run in to a lot of bots, but it won’t be as bad. If you are looking for meme-decks to face instead of meta-slaves, wild is also an option too.

90% of asian bot accounts have " Animal name" + “random color”.

I second this

When you learn to play better, you will easily rank up

If you think preserving a couple of stars will help you progress faster, you didnt take into account that you will learn much faster in ranked than in casual, especially if you only play against bots in casual

Are you a player with a relatively small card collection?

Sounds like you are being silo’ed off into a protected new player pool with few players.

Most players still playing this game have all the cards they want to use in the decks they like. In the early days of the game there was a much larger spread of players with varying collection sizes and play ability. Today that spread is gone.

It’s to be excpected as card games are very niche and always end up with only a few viable decks per class (sometimes less) and it’s either “use or lose” or stop playing. I’m okay with a bot i’m only in silver with my deck, not some meta deck I deteste taht entire notion (copying to win) plus, there’s other games to play so when i get to that point again (like i did with Gwent) I just quit the game and move on, like I did with Gwent when you face the same few decks over and over.

Why play casual at all? It doesn’t give any reward and it sucks as nobody plays it really.

I don’t even know why Casual still exits. With rank floors and MMR matching Ladder is basically the same thing. You barely lose any progress losing on ladder even with a 1000000 game losing streak. The only difference is that people perceive Casual as meaning easier games when it is not. If anything Casual was harder before the matchmaking change.

Ya, when there was only one floor at rank 20, playing in Casual was a way of testing out new decks without risking de-ranking. I was one of the first players to suggest (and campaign for) more floors on the Ladder.

I suppose a lot bots in a particular format are probably going attract more bots to it in order to reduce how frequently they get reported. It’s not like bots are going to report other bots for botting.

I do wonder about how many bot accounts permanently escaped detection to become longterm F2P accounts.

These days, I cannot imagine very many players risk spending money to develop a bot account, so the market for most of the bot accounts, which people encounter in constructed, is for use as disposable barcode accounts in Arena.

Sample pics of 30 different recent Arena opponents:

Stick to standard until you reach a certain mmr.

Bots play bots until their mmr climbs as well, but generally if you keep winning you will pass them. It’s early in the month diamond 10 is probably enough.

Conceding because its a bot just makes it worse.

How about they get rid of the bots. They wont because it boosts their player count. Lower queue times. Its sad and pathetic. People shouldn’t have to play around bots. They should focus on keeping regular players and it wouldn’t be an issue. Broken game will just keep getting more broken.

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100% of accounts that dont change the default name have that.

the last bot explosion that I got stuck in mostly had 3 characters .random garbage, repeated 3 character. ie 111diddm111 or zzzzjkmopzzz

Thanks for all the replies! I will play more Standard and hope for the best I guess.

No need to play just standard in this context. I also play wild for quests and achievements; it has more xp than casual and casual doesn’t even give credit for achievements; it’s not even more than “casual” difficulty to do it that way anyway since those terrible achievement/quest decks I make lose more than half of the time (so the MMR drops (so the opponents are rarely even netdecks (they are often just me and them playing Gorgonzormu))).

There’s only one big exception to play casual; ranking in BOTH other types very seriously; I don’t get those people’s schedules but they exist.