Murloc Holmes bugged out my arena game

I was just in an arena game where my opponent played Murloc Holmes. He got the first one wrong, then didn’t do anything else, and his turn timer went down to the end. But then it just froze at the end. It was still “sizzling”, but nothing happened for ages. We were emoting to each other, but nothing was being played.

Then suddenly, my opponent did 2 turns of play in one turn, without the sizzling ending, until I died. This was particularly frustrating because I was definitely going to win the game, so I just lost an arena game for nothing.

I was not disconnected, all my internet was working, and I could see his emotes. The game was just totally bugged out.

The worst part is, from what I’ve seen in googling, this has been a known issue for over a year.

This seems really bad, as it singlehandedly lost me the game. Am I able to get one of those free arena cards, or am I just SOL?

You were disconnected. Not from your internet, but from the server.

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This doesn’t matter. Emotes are handled on a separate connection.

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Why would this only be the case with Murloc Holmes? I’ve literally never had this happen before, nor have I seen Murloc Holmes before, and the first time I see it this happens? When there are other people mentioning similar issues with the same card elsewhere?

They weren’t holding a card over the battlefield, they weren’t holding anything. You’re telling me it’s a giant coincidence that people keep randomly disconnecting from server when someone plays Murloc Holmes?

Here’s a post from 2 years ago. PSA: Playing Murloc Holmes sometimes freezes the game indefinitely : r/ArenaHS (

And another Attention: Murloc Holmes breaks the game and is not working. : r/hearthstone (

The card itself is bugged, and apparently has been for some time.

I have no opinion on the cause of the disconnect. I have rarely seen the card played and never have experienced the bug myself. I was just trying to explain that you were in fact disconnected since you state that you were not. Best thing to do when something like that happens is to close and try to reconnect to your game

Alright well, thanks for the reply. Hopefully someone else has something more useful though lol. I’m not particularly concerned about whether or not I was technically disconnected, I’m more concerned about a bugged carding breaking the game.

It probably won’t be addressed since the card sees almost no play, but I could be wrong about that