Yeah, that’s a normal feeling to get when you’re playing an aggro-ish deck, but this isn’t one of them
You need a change of mindset to play this one. I agree, you can’t just wait for the ideal turn to play one of your win cons, which is why your minions are basically just taunts which need to get deal with ASAP or they’ll snowball out of control and put you in the lethal range.
You just have to choose the correct time to play your strongest combo, and that time is usually a turn before you would otherwise be dead, which means that at least this part of your post is 100% right:
I uploaded 2 replays in the thread about that deck, chosen because they are representative of what winning on that deck looks like most of the times.
If I had to find a replay matching your description of the deck (highrolly, aggressive), I’d struggle to find one. It happens, but not often.
EDIT: I just remembered what could be a huge part of everyone’s problem with this deck. How do you intend to highroll if you only get like 2-3 spells from Supernova??
With that in mind, a huge part of the gameplay is planning the turn you’re going to pop-off using Supernova, and then dump your hand until then, with a simple goal in mind - to vomit value in those 2 turns, and whatever happens, happens. Usually you wanna dump everything except Supernova and the coins before popping-off, as that gives you the highest value, but it’s not always gonna be possible.
In that sense, Attrition, not Aggro, is the correct term to describe such a gameplay. You just don’t care for value because you’re gonna generate 2 tonnes of it anyway.
Besides, when you see a deck is running Gorgonzormu, you have to know that value vomitting is the way to play it. You just keep flooding the board, keep pressuring, and something is gonna give.