Most my games are against all the old decks

Yeah, that’s a normal feeling to get when you’re playing an aggro-ish deck, but this isn’t one of them

You need a change of mindset to play this one. I agree, you can’t just wait for the ideal turn to play one of your win cons, which is why your minions are basically just taunts which need to get deal with ASAP or they’ll snowball out of control and put you in the lethal range.

You just have to choose the correct time to play your strongest combo, and that time is usually a turn before you would otherwise be dead, which means that at least this part of your post is 100% right:

I uploaded 2 replays in the thread about that deck, chosen because they are representative of what winning on that deck looks like most of the times.

If I had to find a replay matching your description of the deck (highrolly, aggressive), I’d struggle to find one. It happens, but not often.

EDIT: I just remembered what could be a huge part of everyone’s problem with this deck. How do you intend to highroll if you only get like 2-3 spells from Supernova??

With that in mind, a huge part of the gameplay is planning the turn you’re going to pop-off using Supernova, and then dump your hand until then, with a simple goal in mind - to vomit value in those 2 turns, and whatever happens, happens. Usually you wanna dump everything except Supernova and the coins before popping-off, as that gives you the highest value, but it’s not always gonna be possible.

In that sense, Attrition, not Aggro, is the correct term to describe such a gameplay. You just don’t care for value because you’re gonna generate 2 tonnes of it anyway.

Besides, when you see a deck is running Gorgonzormu, you have to know that value vomitting is the way to play it. You just keep flooding the board, keep pressuring, and something is gonna give.

people would need a brain for that and to think beyond ooga booga me face every turn, so most likely won’t happen

There’s a couple players at high legend playing complete control Priest. It’s about as exciting to play as pure control warrior. Which means watching paint dry is more exciting. :grin:

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It’s definitely a natural, instinctive counter to decks like Druid which are immensely powerful but only play a few threats in their decks.

Priest looks like he exists precisely to shut decks like that down xD Just silence and remove each of the minions they play and you’re gucci.

Now, how to deal with K’jaeden, I don’t know, never was a control player, especially Priest control player. But I admit I almost became one a week ago when I lost against one too many Druid in a row.

(Un)luckily, I didn’t have half of the cards I’d need to make such a deck viable, so I gave up and calmed down.

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Dropping an earlier than turn 8 Elise can end games like Dungar. Only difference is that they are copies and you can play Elise like that multiple times. It’s basically the same style of play without the ramp but instead looking to discount Elise. Not to sound like a broken record but the key spells in the deck are easier to get early when needed because of Oracle. Aggro being slowed down a tad has also helped the deck. It’s also the last playable highlander deck IMO.

Kil’Jaeden they just play Puppet Theatre and play their own copy if they need to.

My problem with playing the deck is not its power level. I just get bored playing it because after turn 6 or 7 it becomes extremely repetitive.

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Great analysis, made me realize how much knowledge I lack from control perspective and Priest in general. Puppet Theatre didn’t even occur to me while thinking about it, although I did have plans to put it in the deck, knowing how fun and strong it can be.

Well, there you have it, it’s the same playstyle, but better, than Dungar. Makes sense it would be a counter to it (although in this case, counter isn’t the best word, but I can’t find a better one).

Normally we call “counters” those decks whose natural game plan has advantages over yours, but in this case, their game plans are the same, but the orders and methods of reaching it differ, and priest’s one beats the other, so the decks should, in theory, have an equal average winrate against other matchups, but one consistently beats the other like it’s stronger. If that’s true, it’s not a real counter, is it?

I think the closest to this would be the term “Dominating”. Priest would be dominating Druid, based on analogies with Game theory, if it can even be applied in such contexts.

If the opponent relies on “robbery” to get an advantage, just give them mediocre minions but a lot of them. They will steal nothing important.

E.g. today I was playing a secret hunter. Why use a big Zilliax when I can just spam random small beasts?

That specific priest deck i was talking about played very little copy cards. The location is generally the only card outside of ones that copy their own specifically. Aggro is certainly the way to go against that type of deck. It’s highlander and it’s a priest. It needs a solid opening and draw to make it to turn 6 for sure.



Class: Mage

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

2x (1) Arcane Artificer

2x (1) Flame Geyser

1x (1) Shooting Star

2x (2) Greedy Partner

2x (2) Heat Wave

2x (2) Oh, Manager!

2x (2) Primordial Glyph

2x (2) Stargazing

2x (3) Elemental Companion

2x (3) Ethereal Oracle

2x (3) Metal Detector

2x (3) Rising Waves

2x (3) Watercolor Artist

1x (6) Portalmancer Skyla

2x (8) Supernova

2x (8) Tsunami


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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I have Griftah since I play cycle rogue and discover hunter, it’s norgannon that I don’t have and raylia. Yeah I recognize I don’t need etc that much, but norgannon though that card alone is way too good to not be in a deck like this.

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Just put Khadgar instead

If you don’t have that, either, then something you enjoy playing, such as:

  • Dreamplanner Zephrys
  • MC Tech
  • Bob the Broken

Norgannon probably isn’t a good idea to craft this late into rotation, but the rest of the leggos, such as Skyla and Raylla, definitely are a must-have. Future expansions might make them broken multiple times.

Well, we’re not running Raylla in this one, so it’s not a problem. Unless you meant to say Skyla? We do need Skyla. Without it, the deck doesn’t exist (although it technically could, but I’m not gonna bother trying while this is so fun and viable to play).

i do have khadgar but his rng effect is not desirable. when i was facing mogkupopo he had raylia for early tempo

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You can’t have Raylla and Skyla in the same deck, as far as I know

Or can you?

Either way, this deck in its original version rocks Skyla

Khadgar is absolutely a great card which should be a part of any Mage deck which plans to go over 6 turns. Whatever that card does each turn is a bonus help, and you always get more than you pay for. It might seem bad if you went on a streak of bad luck, but I assure you it’s a great card to have.

Idk I was playing in ladder and I met him, as far as I can tell he didn’t play a single rogue cards, I do have Skyla though. I have khadgar but idk I always lose everytime I dropped him. I don’t play mage that much.

Did he play Supernova? He didn’t tell me he was making a Raylla version. But there are multiple other decks which are played with Raylla:

  • Coin Lightshow Mage
  • Rainbow Sif Mage
  • Big spell Mage
  • Sea Shanty (can be combined with any, really)

I can’t imagine supernova working with Raylla, since Pally is all about board, and supernova mage is all about the spells.

EDIT: Now that I think of, I think I remember him saying he’s playing Sea Shanty in his Supernova version xD that explains it xD

Well, suit yourself, but you’re definitely in the wrong here xD

The thing is, if you like the idea, just make your own version based on our convo and see if you like how it feels, so that we know if it makes sense to think about optimizing it at all first. That way we’ll all lose less time and energy xD

If you don’t like the idea, no worries, you don’t have to bother, and thank you for your interest in the thread

He did play supernova, I’m waiting for 500 more dust to craft norgannon. Way better I think.

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Yes xD What a gigachad xD

I totally forgot that you need Raylla in your deck to even have Sea Shanty in it, so I didn’t register it xD

Nice! Let’s just hope the deck still works by then :grin:

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Ah yeah that makes sense, I was watching him having a dead draw I did suspect 2 of them were supernova, and the other 2 might be sea shanty.

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