Moonlit Guidance Bug

Definitely fixed as of at least last night. Thanks

This was fixed for me last night.

However this morning played a game where this bug once again was in effect, I picked Guff off a moonlit guidance, played him and he did not draw. Seems to be back in play.

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Once again I can’t emphasize that enough, the bug is NOT fixed. It happens for certain cards but not others. For example I just lost a game because it did not work with druid of the reef.

Before you claim a bug is fixed, can you please do your due diligence to verify it is actually the case, thanks!

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We’re investigating other issues with Moonlit Guidance that the original fix didn’t resolve. We hope to have this addressed soon

This is still a problem. Playing Prestor Druid. Used Moonlight Guidance and pulled Kazakusan. Played it and the original was not drawn.

If the first one triggered the battlecry , the battlecry changed the cards in the deck , so the original one was not in the deck anymore.

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Kazakusan’s battlecry replaces your deck with new cards, so the original isn’t in the deck any longer…

criss de jeux alt pourquoi autant admin joue so bad game dont play